801-900_Spanish High Frequency Words


Created by Hacia Adelante on 06/13/2022.
Hacia Adelante
Flashcards by Hacia Adelante, updated more than 1 year ago
Hacia Adelante
Created by Hacia Adelante over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
deseo desire (n)
corresponder to correspond(v)
gestión management (n)
acercar to bring closer(v)
legal legal (adj)
carta letter (n)
espíritu spirit (n)
visión vision (n)
totalmente totally (adv)
controlar to control (v)
solicitar to apply (v)
estructura structure (n)
mañana morning (n)
rápido fast (adj)
método method (n)
partir to leave (v)
acuerdo agreement (n)
implicar to imply/implicate(v)
domingo sunday (n)
informe report (n)
novela novel (n)
aportar to contribute (v)
sentar to sit (v)
poseer to possess (v)
profesional professional (n)
repetir to repeat (v)
grado degree (n)
daño damage (n)
conciencia awareness (n)
pago payment (n)
lector reader (n)
cielo sky/heaven (n)
lanzar to throw (v)
detalle detail (n)
profundo deep (adj)
cuidar to take care of (v.expr)
profesional professional (n)
declaración statement (n)
agradecer to thank (v)
lleno full (adj)
entrevista interview (n)
seis six (n)
artista artist (n)
existencia existence (n)
actitud attitude (n)
jefe boss (n)
inglés english (n)
conjunto set (n)
registrar to register (v)
abril april (n)
militar military (adj)
operación operation (n)
consumo consumption (n)
imponer to impose (v)
defensa defense (n)
entidad entity (n)
teléfono telephone (n)
reunir to meet (v)
referencia reference (n)
costar to cost (costar)
electrónico electronic (adj)
saludo greeting (n)
encuentro meeting/encounter(n)
adquirir to acquire (v)
ataque attack (n)
inicio beginning (n)
maestro teacher (n)
promover to promote (v)
laboral labor/work (adj)
disco disc (n)
garantizar to guarantee (v)
década decade (n)
par pair (n)
oír to hear (v)
competencia competition (n)
etapa stage (n)
banda band (n)
técnico technical (adj)
instalar to install (v)
costo cost (n)
oficial official (adj)/officer (n)
viajar to travel (v)
preferir to prefer (v)
organismo organism (n)
regresar to return (v)
perfecto perfect (adj)
serio serious (adj)
noticia news (n)
voluntad will (n)
diseño design (n)
alumno student (n)
territorio territory (n)
reunión meeting (n)
duro hard (adj)
sentimiento feeling (n)
frase phrase (n)
televisión tv (n)
octubre october (n)
luchar to fight/struggle(v)
lectura reading (n)
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