Croatian_Unit 5_Day 1


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 5_Day 1, created by FSI Croatian on 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Kako ste? How are you?
Baš mi je drago što Vas vidim! I am so happy to see you!
Nije loše. Not bad.
Hvala na pitanju. Thank you for asking.
smjestiti se to get settled in
jako mi se sviđa I really like it
pogled a view
divan, divna wonderful
namještaj furniture
stvar, stvari thing, things
uvesti internet to set up the Internet
naći to find
čistiti to clean
umjetnik, umjetnica an artist
promet traffic
blokiran, blokirana blocked
požar fire (emergency)
vatrogasci firefighters
javni prijevoz public transportation
prijatelj, prijateljica friend
nepoznat, nepoznata unknown, strange
isti the same
kriv, kriva guilty, at fault
čovjek man, human being
dolaziti to be coming
čuti to hear
inozemstvo abroad
ima djecu he / she has children
slati / poslati to send
ponekad sometimes
gost guest
puno gostiju a lot of guests
događaj event
on šalje he sends
čekam odgovor I am waiting for a response
posljednja poruka last message
ja sam čuo / čula I heard
stići arrive, make it on time
ja sam zakasnio / zakasnila I was late
javnim prijevozom by public transportation
kolaps u prometu traffic jam
sumnjiv, sumnjiva suspicious
podmetnuti požar to set fire
zemlja country, earth, soil
hrvatski poduzetnici Croatian entrepreneurs
baviti se ilegalnim poslom to do illegal activities
što se tiče regarding
loša vijest bad news
u veleposlanstvu at the embassy
veselim se I am looking forward to
završiti to finish
pravi dom a real home
javiti se na oglas to reply to an ad
cijena je povoljna the price is good
dolaziti to be coming
više puta several times
mjesečno per month
u mojem kvartu in my neighborhood
razvoj neighborhood
građansko društvo civil society
zahvalan, zahvalna grateful
postupak procedure
saznati to find out
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