

vocabluarly covers: greetings, directions, time, asking questions
Deleted user
Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed about 2 years ago
Summar Mohamed
Copied by Summar Mohamed about 2 years ago
Summar Mohamed
Copied by Summar Mohamed about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
شو أخبارك؟ What's up? (fem.)
بدّي I want
عندي سؤال I have a question
مكتبة library
مكتبة عامة public library
أستعير I borrow
كتب books
القراءة Reading (n.)
منطقة area
منطقة خلدا Khalda area
ربع ساعة quarter of an hour- 15 min.
ربع ساعة بالسيارة 15-minute drive
يعني it means
تروحي you go (fem.)
ايمتى رح تروحي؟ When are you going?
بعد الظهر afternoon
للأسف unfortunately
مشغولة busy (fem.)
مش not
مش مشكلة no problem!
كيف بوصل هناك؟ How do I get there?
...بس تطلعي من after you leave ... (fem.)
عالإشارة at the traffic light
!خدي take! (fem.)
شمال left
!خدي شمال take a left!(fem.)
بعدين then
دوغري straight
بتضلي you stay (fem.)
الثانية the second (fem.)
١٠٠ متر 100 meters
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