BC L1 V2


Basic Cantonese Lesson 1 Video 2
SLS  Cantonese
Flashcards by SLS Cantonese, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS  Cantonese
Created by SLS Cantonese over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BC L1 V2 - Mr. Fung and Miss Wong meet on the street and he introduces her to his family.
hello! wái! / 喂!
Mr. sàang / 生
long time hóu noih 好耐
do not see móuh gin 冇見
haven’t seen you for a long time hóu noih móuh gin 好耐冇見
How? dím? 點?
How are you? dím a? 點呀?
rather, quite géi 幾
quite good géi hóu 幾好
interrogative? nē 呢
and you? néih nē? 你呢?
also dōu 都
let dáng 等
let me dáng ngóh 等我
introduce gaai siuh 介紹
she, he, it kéuih 佢
wife, Mrs. taai táai 太太
daughter néui 女
Mrs. táai 太
they néih deih 你哋
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