

Moroccan Dialect- Rotation One- Lesson Twenty Three
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Flashcards by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat, updated more than 1 year ago
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Created by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
بالسلامة be safe
قبل ما before that
نقدروا we can
مقطوعة closed
ماكيخرجوش they do not go out
مانخدموش we do not work
واحد لإيميل an email
سمعت I heard
ديورهم their houses
كيتنقلوا they move around
ضروري necessary
الأخبار news
ماشي كلهم not all of them
حالّة open
كتفتح it opens
المدن الأخرى the other cities
وصلني I received
القهاوي ديال الماكلة restaurants
القهاوي ديال الماكلة حالّة restaurants are open
الطرقان roads
نشوفك see you
نتقدّوا we go shopping
شي وحدين some of them
وقفت it stopped
أن that
الخدمة the work
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