Important Terms


Introduction to Computer Science Important Vocabulary
Ian Nguyen
Flashcards by Ian Nguyen, updated more than 1 year ago
Ian Nguyen
Created by Ian Nguyen about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Binary - Machine/Computer Code - Essentially a series of 1's and 0's
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - An environment on the computer that allows you to write, run, debug, and convert to machine code - Like any other application on your computer, except it can facilitate machine code
IDE Central Area - Area in the IDE that you use to write code
IDE Console - Area in the IDE that print out useful info for the programmer - Where you'll see most of your test running and debugging -Developer tool but it's seen by everyone (backend of the program) - Don't try to implement the console into the final product
Syntax - Rules you must follow to A TEE if you want your program to run correctly -Each language may have similar syntax, but each have their own unique quirks
Print Statements - Simplest instruction you can tell tell the computer to do - Simply tells the console to "print" something
Modulus - Allows us to get the remainder of the divisional operation - Is in most programming languages - Represented using ' % '
Strings - Another way of saying "text" - Anything enclosed within " " - ie: print ("Game over, 4 was your final score.")
Concatenation - Adding strings together - ie: print("Game over," +4+ "was your final score.")
Variable - Something that can store info and can be referenced and/or manipulated - Each variable has a: Type, name, piece of stored info - Multiple different types of variables
Integer Variable - Variable that can store integer variables - ONLY WHOLE NUMBERS, NO DECIMALS
Boolean Variable - Variable that can store TRUE or FALSE
Float Variable -Variable that can store decimal values -Can only hold 32 bits (numbers in the value)
Double Variable - Variable that can store decimal values - Can store up to 64 bits (numbers in the value)
String Variable - Variable that can store words and sentences
Char Variable - Variable that can store ONE character - Useful when a programmer wants to read one button press of one character in a string without using an entire string variable - ie: game controlled by keyboard ( WASD)
Blank Variable - Can store info later on - Can store info given by the user - Trying to reference a blank variable will result in a NullPointerException (Avoid this)
Dual Pointed Variable -Stores things you'll know will have the same value - Imagine labeling a cardboard bod with two different names - ie: "Name" and "Channel Name"
Naming Variables - Names MUST be one continuous string -Programmers have their own method of naming variables - Most programmers name variables according to camelCase
camelCase - Don't capitalize the first word, but capitalize every word the follows it -Easier to find bugs and read the code - ie: camelCaseVariable anotherCamelCaseVariable
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