Plant Kingdom Vocabulary


Flashcards- Plant-Kingdom vocabulary
Ana Stewart
Flashcards by Ana Stewart, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Stewart
Created by Ana Stewart about 2 years ago

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Question Answer
BOTANY The study of plants
VASCULAR PLANT a plant with vascular or conducting tissues, and true roots, stems, and leaves.
NON-VASCULAR PLANT A plant with neither vascular tissue nor true roots, stems or leaves.
SEED A plant embryo en closed in a protective coat.
COTYLEDON A seed leaf in a plant embryo.
ADVENTITIOUS ROOT An aboveground root that grows from a stem or leaf.
XYLEM The plant tissue that transports water and dissolved minerals upward.
PHLOEM The plant tissue that transports organic compounds in both directions.
PALISADE MESOPHYLL A layer of cells in a leaf directly beneath the surface.
EPIDERMIS A layer of cells that forms a protective covering on the outer surface.
SPONGY MESOPHYL A layer of loosely spaced cells in a leaf.
STOMATA Tiny pores located on the underside of a leaf.
GUARD CELL The cell that controls the opening and closing of stomata.
PISTIL The female reproductive structure in a flowering plant.
OVARY The female reproductive structure that produces eggs.
STYLE The structure that anchors the stigma to the ovary.
STIGMA The tip of the style where pollen grains are trapped.
POLLEN GRAIN A male reproductive cell in plants.
ANTHER The structure that produces cells that develop into pollen grains.
FILAMENT The structure that supports the anther.
STAMEN The male reproductive structure in a plant.
SEPAL The leaf-like parts on a flower.
PETAL The usually colorful leaf-like parts beneath the sepal.
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