L10 Phrases


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L10 Phrases, created by FSI Slovenian on 09/02/2023.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Zanimajo me slovenske sezonske jedi. I am interested in Slovenian sezonal foods.
Poglejmo, kaj imajo danes na jedilniku! Let's look ,what they have today on the menu!
Nekaj lahkega! Something light!
Lahko jo naročite tudi brez mesa. You can order it (f) also without meat.
Ne bom pečenke raje bom postrv na tržaški način. I won't have the veal roast:I'd rather have trout na tržaški način.
Moja žena in jaz jo bova naročila. My wife and I will order it (f).
Priporočam govejo juho z rezanci. I suggest clear beef soup with nooddles.
Saj res, kaj je radič? By the way, what is "radič " ?
Poskusite ga! Try it! (m)
Ne bo vam žal. You won't be sorry.
Ali prinesem kakšno pijačo? Do I bring a drink?
Ali bi lahko prinesli še malo vode, prosim? Could you bring a little water, please?
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