Human Anatomy Basics


This set goes over all the different anatomical positions, body planes, body cavities.
Bethany Jewell
Flashcards by Bethany Jewell, updated more than 1 year ago
Bethany Jewell
Created by Bethany Jewell over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Region 1 & organs Right Hypochondriac Liver, Gallbladder, R. Kidney, Small Intestine
Region 2 & organs Epigastric Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Adrenal Glands, Spleen
Region 3 & organs Left Hypochondriac Stomach, Pancreas, L. Kidney, Spleen
Region 4 & organs Right Lumbar Small Intestine, Ascending Colon, R. Kidney
Region 5 & organs Umbilical Duodenum, Small Intestine, Transverse Colon
Region 6 & organs Left Lumbar Small Intestine, Descending Colon, L. Kidney
Region 7 & organs Right Iliac Small Intestine, Appendix, Cecum, Ascending Colon
Region 8 & organs Hypogastric Small Intestine, Sigmoid Colon, Bladder
Region 9 & organs Left Iliac Small Intestine, Descending Colon, Sigmoid Colon
Plane 1 Transverse
Plane 2 Mid-Sagittal
Plane 3 Frontal (Coronal)
Anatomical Position: 1 Posterior (Dorsal) Back, In-back of
Anatomical Position: 2 Anterior (Ventral) Front, In-front of
Anatomical Position: 3 Cephalic/Caudal
Anatomical Position: 4 Cranial
Anatomical Position: 5 & 7 Proximal Towards the nearest trunk, or nearest the point of origin of a structure
Anatomical Position: 6 & 8 Distal Away from or farthest from the trunk, or farthest from structure's point of origin
Anatomical Position: 9 Medial
Anatomical Position: 10 Lateral
Body Planes: Dotted Line top to bottom Superior () to Inferior()
Body Planes: Superficial nearer the body surface
Body Planes: Deep Farther away from the body's surface
What are the (5) smaller units that construct the human body? 1. Atoms & Molecules 2. Cells 3. Tissues 4. Organs 5. Systems
Define Mid-Sagittal The plane that vertically divides the body equally
Define Transverse The plane that horizontally divides the body from upper and lower sections
Define Frontal The plane that divides a structure lengthwise; anterior & posterior
Define Sagittal The plane that vertically divides the body into left and right sections
Body Cavities: 1 Dorsal
Body Cavities: 2 Ventral
Body Cavities: 3 Cranial
Body Cavities: 4 Vertebral
Body Cavities: 5 Thoracic
Body Cavities: 6 Superior mediastinum
Body Cavities: 7 Plural cavity within mediastinum
Body Cavities: 8 Diaphragm
Body Cavities: 9 Abdominal
Body Cavities: 10 Pelvic
Body Cavities: 11 Abdominopelvic
What other cavities are in the Anterior (Ventral) Cavity? Thoracic & Abdominopelvic
What other cavities are in the Posterior (Dorsal) Cavity? Cranial & Spinal
Define Homeostasis The state of a stable body and all it's elements
How does the body maintain & restore Homeostasis? By using negative feedback loops, occasionally positive
What do feedback loops involve? 1. Sensor 2. Control center 3. Effector
Define Anatomy The shape and structure of an organisms body and the relationship of one body part to another.
Anatomy is a branch of _________. Biology
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