Algorithm key terms


Flashcards on Algorithm key terms, created by Joseph Ainsworth on 06/11/2015.
Joseph Ainsworth
Flashcards by Joseph Ainsworth, updated more than 1 year ago
Joseph Ainsworth
Created by Joseph Ainsworth over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abstraction The process of separating and filtering out ideas and specific details that are not needed in order to concentrate on those that are needed
Algorithm A sequence of logical instructions for carrying out a task in computing. Algorithms are needed to design computer programs.
Binary search A faster method of searching, in which the data being searched is halved with every step
Bubble sort A sorting algorithm that repeatedly passes through a list to be sorted, comparing and swapping items that are in the wrong order
Bucket sort A sorting algorithm that separates data into different collections, called buckets, which are filled with data then sorted
Computational thinking A problem-solving method using computer science techniques, where possible solutions are developed and presented in a way that is understandable by humans and computers.
Condition In computing, this is a statement or sum
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