Data Structures & Algorithms


A-level Computing (Data Structures & Algorithms) Mind Map on Data Structures & Algorithms, created by Reuben Caruana on 01/05/2014.
Reuben Caruana
Mind Map by Reuben Caruana, updated more than 1 year ago
Reuben Caruana
Created by Reuben Caruana almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Data Structures & Algorithms
  1. Data Structures
    1. Primitive Datatype
      1. Char
        1. Boolean
          1. Whole
            1. byte
              1. short
                1. int
                  1. long
                  2. Real
                    1. float
                      1. double
                      2. Referenced Data Type
                        1. Objects
                          1. String
                        2. Complex Data Structures
                          1. Arrays
                            1. Trees
                              1. Binary Search Tree
                                1. Methods
                                  1. Traversals
                                    1. Pre-Order
                                      1. In-Order
                                        1. Post-Order
                                  2. String
                                    1. HASH Table
                                      1. Hashing Function
                                        1. Array of Linked Lists
                                        2. Stack
                                          1. Queues
                                            1. Linear
                                              1. Circular
                                              2. Linked Lists
                                                1. Linear
                                                  1. Double
                                                    1. Circular
                                              3. Algoriths
                                                1. Sorting
                                                  1. Bubble
                                                    1. Insertion
                                                      1. Selection
                                                        1. Merge
                                                          1. Quick
                                                          2. Searching
                                                            1. Linear
                                                              1. Binary
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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