Spanish 2 Unit 4 Lesson 5


Toy Vocab, Childhood Vocab, Demmonstrative Adjectives, Misc. Words
Lucas Callahan
Flashcards by Lucas Callahan, updated 27 days ago
Lucas Callahan
Created by Lucas Callahan 27 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
toys los juguetes
action figure, doll el muñeco, la muñeca
teddy bear el oso de peluche
coloring book el libro de colorear
play dough la plastilina
ball el balón
skateboard la patineta
roller skates los patines
marbles las canicas
spinning top el trompo
hopscotch la rayuela
swing el columpio
slide el tobogán
They used to jump rope Saltaban a la cuerda
You used to fly a kite Volabas la cometa
I used to climb trees Trepaba a los árboles
this (close) este/esta
that (further) ese/esa
that (at a great distance) aquel/aquella
these (close) estos/estas
those (farther away) esos/esas
those (at a great distance) aquellos/aquellas
hide esconder
hide and go seek los escondidos
my neighbors mis vecinos
guess adivinar
seed la semilla
handkerchief el pañuelo
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