New GCSE Maths required formulae


Required formulae for the new maths GCSE - these will NOT be given during the exam, they must be learned in advance
Sarah Egan
Flashcards by Sarah Egan, updated 11 months ago
Sarah Egan
Created by Sarah Egan almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Quadratic Formula - solve: \(a\)\(x^2\)+\(b\)\(x\)+\(c\)=\(0\) where \(a\) \(\neq\) \(0\) \begin{array}{*{20}c} {x = \frac{{ - b \pm \sqrt {b^2 - 4ac} }}{{2a}}}\\ \end{array}
Circumference of a Circle: \(2\)\(\pi\)\(r\) or \(\pi\)\(d\) where \(r\)=radius, \(d\)=diameter
Area of a Circle: \(\pi\)\(r\)\(^2\)
Pythagoras theorem In any right-angled triangle where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are the length of the sides and \(c\) is the hypotenuse: \(a^2\)+\(b^2\)=\(c^2\)
Trig: In any right-angled triangle \(ABC\) where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are the length of the sides and \(c\) is the hypotenuse: \(sinA\)= \(sinA\)=\(\frac{a}{c}\)
Trig: In any right-angled triangle \(ABC\) where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are the length of the sides and \(c\) is the hypotenuse: \(cosA\)= \(cosA\)=\(\frac{b}{c}\)
Trig: In any right-angled triangle \(ABC\) where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are the length of the sides and \(c\) is the hypotenuse: \(tanA\)= \(tanA\)=\(\frac{a}{b}\)
Sine Rule: \(\frac{a}{sinA}\)=\(\frac{b}{sinB}\)=\(\frac{c}{sinC}\)
Cosine Rule: \(a^2\)= \(b^2\)+\(c^2\)-\(2\)\(b\)\(c\) \(cosA\)
Trigonometry: Area of a Triangle \(\frac{1}{2}\)\(a\)\(b\)\(SinC\)
Area of a Trapezium= (Where \(a\) and \(b\) are the lengths of the parallel sides and \(h\) is their perpendicular separation) \(\frac{1}{2}\) (\(a\) + \(b\))\(h\)
Volume of a Prism: area of cross section × length
Compound interest: Where \(P\) is the principal amount, \(r\) is the interest rate over a given period and \(n\) is number of times that the interest is compounded, Total accrued= Total accrued= \begin{array}\(P\left(1+ \frac{r}{100}\right)^n\end{array}
Where P(A) is the probability of outcome A and P(B) is the probability of outcome B: P(A or B) = P(A or B) = P(A) +P(B) - P(A and B)
Where P(A) is the probability of outcome A and P(B) is the probability of outcome B: P(A and B) P(A and B) = P(A given B) P(B)
Curved surface area of a cone: \(\pi\)\(r\)\(l\)
Surface area of a Sphere: \(4\)\(\pi\)\(r\)\(^2\)
Volume of a Sphere: \(\frac{4}{3}\)\(\pi\)\(r\)\(^3\)
Volume of a Cone: \(\frac{1}{3}\)\(\pi\)\(r\)\(^2\)\(h\)
Final Velocity \(v\): \(v\)=\(u\)+\(at\) (\(u\)=initial velocity, \(a\)=constant acceleration, \(t\)=time taken)
Displacement \(s\): \(s\)=\(ut\) +\(\frac{1}{2}\)\(a\)\(t\)\(^2\) (\(u\)=initial velocity, \(a\)=constant acceleration, \(t\)=time taken)
Velocity \(v\)\(^2\): \(v\)\(^2\)=\(u\)\(^2\)+ \(2\)\(as\) (\(u\)=initial velocity, \(a\)=constant acceleration, \(s\)=displacement)
Fórmula cuadrática - resolver: \(a\)\(x^2\)+\(b\)\(x\)+\(c\)=\(0\) donde \(a\) \(\neq\) \(0\) .
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