Created by Vy Tran2969
over 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Nutrition | series of processes by which an animal acquires, processes, digests, absorbs, metabolizes & excretes portions of its external chemical environment for the function of internal metabolism |
Comparative Nutrition | cross species study of adaptations & utilization of different nutrient sources |
Order Galliformes | Family Phasianidae -Gallus gallus domesticus (domestic chicken) -Meleagris gallopavo (domestic turkey) -Coturnix spp. (domestic quail) |
Order Anseriformes | Family Anatidae - Anas platyrhynchos (duck) -Cairina moschata (duck) -Anser anser (goose) |
Order Carnivora | Family Canidae -Canis lupus familiarus (domestic dog) Family Felidae -Felis catus (domestic cat) Family Mustelidae -Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret) |
Order Perisodactyla | Family Equidae -Subfamily Equinae ºEquus caballus (domestic horse) ºEquus asinus (domestic ass) Odd # of toes |
Order Artiodactyla | Family Suidae -Sus scrofa (domestic swine) Family Bovidae -Subfamily Bovinae ºBos taurus (domestic cow) -Subfamily Caprinae ºCapra histricus (domestic goat) ºOvis aries (domestic sheep) Even # of toes |
Nutritional Wisdom | concept that animals have innate ability to select from a novel compliment of foods to satisfy nutrient requirements |
Nutrients | any feed constituent or group of feed constituents that aid support of life |
Feed (Feedstuff) | any material or natural or synthetic origin, fed to animals for purpose of maintaining them |
Ration | an amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours |
Diet | feed ingredient or mixture of ingredients including water, which is consumed by animals |
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