Food technology revision


Food technology GCSE revision for pastry product test
Emily Ramsey
Flashcards by Emily Ramsey, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Ramsey
Created by Emily Ramsey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Quality Control Visual checks Colour Packaging must not be damaged and all the labels are clearly printed Testing Taste testing Size, thickness and PH must be tested
Use if a Food Processor Slicing Chopping Diving Same setting > same result
Locally sourced ingredients Support local economy Reduce food miles Bad for the environment
GDA Guideline daily amounts How much of of varies nutrients a product contains How much nutrients/energy average adult daily can be percentage Not enough protein = Restricted growth, muscle waste Too much fat = Overweight, heart problems, cancer Too much sugar = obesity, Tooth decay, Type II diabetes's Too much salt = high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke
Carbohydrates- types, functions and foods Sugar- easy to digest energy (Fast energy) – Jam (Preserve), cakes (aeration), bread (fermentation) Starch – because they will be broken down before used ( slow release energy) – Pasta ( bulking), White sauce (gelatinisation/), White sauce (gelatinisation/thicken), Deserts Fibre – just though, Deserts Fibre – harder to digest – Beans, fruits, brown bread
Protein- functions and foods Build and repair muscles, tissues and organs, Helps children grow, Made me do I sai helps children grow. Made of amino acids: Your body can't make, must digest them Red meat, fish, poultry
Protein meat replacements Tofu, Quorn, TVP Egg- thicken, aerate, binding, Emulsify, glazing, coating or enrobing
Fats and oils– Types, function, foods Butter (churning cream), margarine (vegetable oils), lard ( pig fat), suet (The facts which protects animals vital organs), oils (pressed seats), low-fat spreads (Mrs emotions of vegetable oil – hydrogenated's) Flavour, shortening, colour Cooking (frying), enriching (thickens – tastes better ), emulsions
Product specification – Product, manufacturers Products – look, taste, storage, size, weight, safety, cost Manufacturers – how, ingredients, Siri dimensions, minimum/maximum Karma finishing, quality control (when/how), costing
Food poisoning Symptoms: sickness, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fever Cause: bacteria, air, water, soil, people, animals, moisture,, neutral pH
Safety and hygiene procedures at every step Purchasing food – by food from a reputable supplier: good quality, take note of the use by date, check food for squashed, mouldy, damage packaging, and seal Storing food – followed storage instructions, keep food sealed or covered Preparing foods – wash hands, clean apron, hat or hairnet, no jewellery, Cover all cuts, use clean equipment, avoid cross contamination, defrost food thoroughly before use Cooking food– Cook food at the right temperature and felt right amount of time, make sure food is cooked all the way through Serving food – serve hot food straight away, cool down food as quickly as possible, keep food covered from flies: preferably in the fridge.
Packaging Packaging uses up resources: some which of finite (will run out eventually), manufacturing packaging is lots of energy, packaging does not mean less food is wasted Glass – strong rigid, transparent (customers can see what they're buying), it's resistant to high temperatures, reused and cheap and easy to recycle, heavy, breaks easily Plastic – rigid and flexible , Transparent or coloured, microwaveable, lightweight, can be printed on, most don't biodegrade, plastics can't be recycled Card or paperboard– Biodegradable, fairly strong, lightweight and flexible, is it a printer on, waterproofs if laminated, cheap and easy to recycle, not see-through and not very rigid Metals – strong and some are light, resistant to high-temperature, aluminium is cheaper to recycle to extract from the ground, metals can react with some foods, not see through.
Physical contamination The project could be contaminated by physical objects E.g. Jewellery, chipped nail varnish, hair, insects To control these risks workers were overalls and helmets with no jewellery nail varnish allowed and food is kept has it as much as possible.
Chemical contamination The product can become contaminated by, say, cleaning fluids during storage or processing To control this risk cleaning products should be stored away from third and final product should be tested to check there is no contamination
Biological contamination The products could be contaminated by bacteria especially if it is high risk foods e.g. There is a risk that eggs could carry salmonella To control this risk random samples of excavate tested the cell Manella near the beginning of production process, you could also take samples at the end of the product
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