

Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system
Katie Haynes7223
Flashcards by Katie Haynes7223, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Haynes7223
Created by Katie Haynes7223 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is exercise levels a factor to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system? Because exercise will improve the health of the cardiovascular system.
Why is Diet a factor to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system? Saturated fats and cholesterol may cause problems for the circulatory system.
Why is Stimulants/ drugs a factor to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system? Smoking, heavy drinking and stimulants can lead to heart problems
What is the (MHR) maximum heart rage for my age? 220
What is maximum heart rate?(MHR) the fastest that their heart is able to beat
Give an example of how to estimate your heart rate? 220-age=(MHR) maximum heart rate
What is heart rate? Number of beats per minute
What is stroke volume? The amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle per beat
What is Cardiac Output? The amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle per minute
What are the short term effects of exercise on the heart? Heart rate increases, Stroke volume increases, cardiac output increases.
What are the long term effects of training on the heart? The heart gets bigger, Stroke volume increases, The walls of the heart become thicker and stronger, Cardiac output increases when exercising, lower resting heart rate
How does blood flow get redirected during exercise? Explain what the word means. Vascular Shunt- When blood is redistributed towards active askeletal muscle during exercise and away from inactive organs
What is the average resting heart rate around 70 bpm
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