Montserrat Eruption case study


GCSE Geography Flashcards on Montserrat Eruption case study, created by Eleanor Preston on 17/02/2016.
Eleanor Preston
Flashcards by Eleanor Preston, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Preston
Created by Eleanor Preston about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did Montserrat erupt? June 25th 1997
Which area of Montserrat erupted? The Soufriere Hills
How many people died in the volcanic eruption? 19 people
Which plate margin does Montserrat lie on? The Atlantic and Caribbean boundary (Destructive)
What were the Primary Impacts of the eruption? 1. Large areas covered in volcanic material 2. 20 villages & two thirds of homes were destroyed by pyroclastic flows 3. Schools, homes, the airport & the port were destroyed 4. Farmland was destroyed 5. 19 people died & 7 were injured
What were the Secondary Impacts of the eruption? 1. Fires destroyed many buildings 2. The economy was disrupted 3. The population fell 4. Volcanic ash has improved soil fertility 5. Tourism is increasing on the island as people come to see the volcano.
What were the Immediate Responses? 1. People were evacuated from the south 2. Shelters were built 3. Temporary infrastructure was built 4. The UK provided £17 million in aid 5. Local emergency services conducted search and rescue operations
What were the Long Term responses? 1. A risk map was created and an exclusion zone put into place 2. The UK has provided £41 million to develop the North of the island 3. A volcano observatory has been set up to try and predict future eruptions
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