Understanding Basic Networking


Topology types and their differences Network types and their differences
Flashcards by sirhulk1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sirhulk1 almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
What are the three primary LAN topologies? 1) Ring 2) Star 3) Bus
What network topology is closely related to FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) ? Ring Topology
What is the term for a device that shares its resources with other network devices? Server
What network model draws a clear distinction between devices that share their resources and devices that do not? Client/Server
Which network topology or connection type can be implemented with only two endpoints? Bus Topology
What device is an example of an Ethernet technology implemented as a star topology? Switch
Which two network topologies are the most popular with switching? 1) Star Topology 2) Extended Star Topology
What does VLAN stand for? Virtual Local Area Network
Will a computer that shares no resources be connected to a segment or backbone? Segment
Which LAN topology is characterized by all devices being daisy chained together with the devices at each end being connected to only one other device? Bus
Which two network topologies are the most popular in switching? a) Bus b) Star c) Mesh d) Extended Star a) Star d) Extended Star
FDDI and Token Ring used which LAN physical topology? a) Bus b) Star c) Ring d) Mesh c) Ring
WHich of the following phsical topologies has the most connections and is the least popular in LANs? a) Bus b) Star c) Ring d) Mesh d) Mesh
In a physical star topology what happens when a workstation loses its physical connection to another device? a) The ring is broken so no devices can communicate b) Only that workstation loses its ability to communicate c) That workstation and the device its connected to lose communication with the rest of the network. d) No devices can communicate because there are now two un-terminated network segments b) Only that workstation loses its ability to communicate.
Which network topology is most closely associated with classical CSMA/CD ? a) Bus b) Token Passing bus c) Star d) Extended Start e) Ring a) Bus
What is a logical grouping of network users and resources called? a) WAN b) LAN c) MPLS d) Host b) LAN
Which of the following is a concern when using peer-to-peer networks? a) Where to place the server b) Whose computer is least busy and can act as the server. c) The security associated with such a network. d) Having enough peers to support creating such a network. c) The security associated with such a network.
Which of the following is an example of when a point-to-multipoint network is called for? a) When a centralized office needs to communicate with many branch offices. b) When a full mesh of WAN links is in place. c) When multiple offices are daisy chained to one another in a line. d) WHen there are only two nodes in the network to be connected. a) When a centralized office needs to communicate with many branch offices.
Which of the following is an example of a LAN? a) Ten buildings interconnected by Ethernet connections over fiber-optic cabling. b) Ten routers interconnnected by frame-relay circuits. c) Two routers interconnected with a T1 circuit. d) A computer connected to another computer so they can share resources. d) A computer connected to another computer so they can share resources.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of the start topology? a) When a port on the central concentrating device fails, the attached end device loses connectivity to the rest of the network. b) When the central concentrating device experiences a complete failure, all attached devices lose connectivity to the rest of the network. c) In a star topology, a more expensive type of host must be used when compared to the host used when implementing a physical bus. d) It is more difficult to add stations and troubleshoot than with other topologies. b) When the central concentrating device experiences a complete failure, all attached devices lose connectivity to the rest of the network.
What is a difference between a LAN and a WAN? a) WANs need a special type of router port. b) WANs cover larger geographical areas. c) WANs can utilize either private or public data transport. d) All of the above. d) All of the above.
What kind of topology do you have if you combine a bus with a star topology? a) Extended Star b) Extended Bus c) Hybrid d) Extended Ring c) Hybrid
Which of the following is the most fault tolerant in a very large enterprise network? a) Bus topology b) LAN switch c) Ring Topology d) Start topology d) Start topology
Which of the following is an example of a hybrid network? a) Ethernet switch b) Ring Topology c) Bus Topology d) Star Topology d) Star Topology
What advantage does the client/server architecture have over peer-to-peer? a) Easier maintenance b) Greater organization c) Tighter security d) all of the above d) all of the above
You have a network with multiple devices and need to have a smaller broadcast domin while working with a tight budget. Which of the following is the best solution? a) Use static IP addresses. b) Add more hubs. c) Implement more switches d) Install a router d) Install a router
Which type of topology has the greatest number of physical connections? a) Point-to-multipoint b) Star c) Point-to-point d) Mesh d) Mesh
What type of topology gives you a direct connection between two routers so that there is one communication path? a) Point-to-point b) Star c) Bus d) Straight a) Point-to-point
Which network topology is a combination of two or more types of physical or two or more types of logical topologies? a) Point-to-multipoint b) Hybrid c) Bus d) Star b) Hybrid
When designing a network and deciding which type of network topology to use, which item(s) should be considered? a) cost b) Ease of installation c) Ease of maintenance d) Fault-tolerance requirements a) cost b) Ease of installation c) Ease of maintenance d) Fault-tolerance requirements
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