The CPU, the fetch execute cycle and clock speed


For Year 10 revision
Mel Hughes
Flashcards by Mel Hughes , updated more than 1 year ago
Mel Hughes
Created by Mel Hughes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What's the purpose of the CPU? Controlled processing unit. The hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program.
Describe the function of the CPU as fetching and executing instructions stored in memory. Fetch -Instructions are transferred from the memory to the CPU. Decode -The CPU works out what the instructions mean. Execute -The control unit carries out the instructions using the ALU for instructions involving logical or mathematical operations.
Explain how common characteristics of CPU's such as clock speed affect their performance The faster the clock, the faster the computer
What is overclocking? What does it cause? What can it lead to? Overclocking is where you increase the size of the clock speed. This causes overheating This can lead to instability and computer crashing
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