EE: Mountains:- Tourism


How do people use mountain environments? Tourism
Stephen Carruthers
Flashcards by Stephen Carruthers, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephen Carruthers
Created by Stephen Carruthers almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How do people use mountain environments? Tourism Machu Picchu: Location Advantages of tourism Disadvantages of tourism
Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is a lost 15th century Inca city that was rediscovered in 1911. It stand 2,450 metres above seal level ,80 kilometres north west of Cuzco in Peru, South America. 1 million people visit the UNESCO site a year.
Advantages S&£: Provides jobs for local people e.g. porters S: Local infrastructure improved e.g. new roads, improved sanitation S&£: Money spent by tourists can be invested in services e.g. schools, hospitals S: Visitors have an insight into local customs and traditions E: Tourists can see the stunning landscapes and learn about the plants and animals S=Social E= Environmental £=Economical
Disadvantages £: Profits can go to foreign companies rather than local people £: The cost of living rises S: Local projects might be sidelined as infrastructure for tourists becomes the priority E: Pollution and disruption of wildlife S=Social E= Environmental £=Economical
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