Fichas de Jessi Denise Chanta


picture dictionary
jessy bonilla
Flashcards by jessy bonilla, updated more than 1 year ago
jessy bonilla
Created by jessy bonilla over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
KEYBOARD: pronunciation /ˈkiːˌbɔː(r)d/. A piece of computer equipment with keys on it, used for putting information into a computer
HEADPHONES: pronunciation /ˈhedˌfəʊnz/ a piece of equipment that you wear over your ears to listen to something without other people hearing it
USB-PORT: a place on a computer where you can attach a cable for connecting a printer, keyboard, modem etc
SOCKET: pronunciation/ˈsɒkɪt/. BRITISH a place on a surface or machine with holes for connecting a piece of electrical equipment. The American word is outlet.
ETHERNET: pronunciation /ˈiːθə(r)net/.a system in which several computers in an area are directly connected to each other by wires
PRINTER: pronunciation /ˈprɪntə(r)/. a piece of equipment used for printing documents that you have created on a computer
HARD DISK: pronuntiacion /ˈhɑrd ˈdɪsk/ the part inside a computer that stores the information it needs to work.
MOUSE: pronunciation /maʊs/. It is a pointing device used to facilitate handling of a graphical environment on a computer.
SCROLL BAR:a long narrow area at the edge of a computer screen used for moving information up, down, or across the screen
MENU: pronunciation /ˈmenjuː/. COMPUTING a list of choices on a computer screen that tells you what you can do in a particular program
BUTTON: pronunciation /ˈbʌt(ə)n/. a small object that you press to make a machine start working or perform a particular action
TITLE BAR: a coloured band across the top of a window on a computer screen that shows the name of the document or program that is open
ICON: pronunciation /ˈaɪkɒn/. COMPUTING a small picture on a computer screen that you choose by pressing a button with the mouse in order to open a particular program
FOLDER: pronunciation /ˈfəʊldə(r)/. COMPUTING a group of programs or documents stored in a computer, shown by a picture of a folder on the screen
FILENAME: pronunciation /ˈfaɪlˌneɪm/. the name that someone gives to a particular computer file
TAB: pronunciation /tæb/. a small part of something that sticks out from the edge.
CHECKBOX: pronunciation /ˈtʃekˌbɒks/. a small square on a computer screen that you click on with your mouse to choose a feature
RADIO BUTTON:a place on a website or computer screen that looks like a button that the user can press to choose something
MICROPHONE: pronunciation /ˈmaɪkrəˌfəʊn/. a piece of equipment for making someone’s voice louder when they are speaking, performing, or recording something
WEBCAM: pronunciation /ˈwebˌkæm/. a camera connected to a computer that produces images that can be seen on a website
LINK: pronunciation /lɪŋk/. if people, things, or events are linked, they are related to each other in some way
Access Control List:Access control list. An ACL is a list that specifies the permissions of users on a file, folder or other object.
PASSWORD: pronunciation /ˈpɑːsˌwɜː(r)d/. a secret word or phrase that you need in order to get into a room, building, or area
WEB PAGE: a page or document that you can read on a website
ENTER: pronunciation /ˈentə(r)/. to go or come into a place
Bandwidth: Number of bits that can travel over a physical medium (coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber optic, etc.)
EMAIL: pronunciation: /ˈiːmeɪl/. a system for sending messages from one computer to another.
CPU: pronunciation /ˌsiː piː ˈjuː/. a central processing unit: the part of a computer that controls what it does
WIFI: pronunciation /ˈwaɪ faɪ/. a set of standards for wireless local area networks. Any wi-fi product can be used with any other wi-fi product.
GPS: pronunciation /ˌdʒiː piː ˈes/. global positioning system: a system for finding exactly where you are anywhere in the world using satellites
DELETE: pronunciation /dɪˈliːt/. to remove or cross out something that has been written
FORWARD: pronunciation /ˈfɔː(r)wə(r)d/. in the direction in front of you
CELL: pronunciation /sel/. COMPUTING a small square in a pattern of squares on a computer spreadsheet for writing numbers or words in
COLUMN: pronunciation /ˈkɒləm/. a series of short lines of writing or numbers arranged one below the other on a page
FORMULA: pronunciation /ˈfɔː(r)mjələ/. a plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result
WORKSHEET: pronunciation /ˈwɜː(r)kˌʃiːt/. a piece of paper with exercises on it, used for helping you to learn something
TABLE: pronunciation /ˈteɪb(ə)l/. a way of showing detailed pieces of information, especially facts or numbers, by arranging them in rows and lines across and down a page
REPORT: pronunciation /rɪˈpɔː(r)t/. a spoken or written account that gives information about a particular subject, situation, or event
PROGRAM: pronunciation /ˈprəʊɡræm/. COMPUTING a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work
PROJECTOR: pronunciation /prəˈdʒektə(r)/. a piece of equipment used for showing films or slides on a screen
PUSH: pronunciation /pʊʃ/. to press a button on a machine
PLUG: pronunciation /plʌɡ/. an object used for connecting a piece of equipment to an electricity supply.
PRES: pronunciation /pres/. a machine used for printing newspapers, books, or magazines
DISCONNECT: pronunciation /ˌdɪskəˈnekt/. to stop the supply of gas, water, or electricity, or the telephone service to a building
SWITCH: pronunciation /swɪtʃ/.to do someone else’s work in their place, usually in exchange for them doing your work on some other occasion
SOFTWARE: pronunciation /ˈsɒf(t)ˌweə(r)/. connected with, working with, or caused by software
HARDWARE: pronunciation /ˈhɑːd(r)ˌweə(r)/. computer equipment. Computer programs are called software
RAM:pronunciation /ræm/. random access memory: the part of a computer that programs are put into while you are using them
BIOS: pronunciation /ˈbaɪɒs/. basic input/output system: the software that controls the way many basic parts of the computer work, for example the keyboard, screen, and disk drives
DVD: pronunciation /ˌdiː viː ˈdiː/. an object like a CD that has a film or television programme recorded on it. You play a DVD in a machine called a DVD player.
ROM: pronunciation /rɒm/.read-only memory: computer memory that is permanent and cannot be changed. Computer memory where you can save and change information is called RAM.
WEBINAR:pronunciation /ˈwebɪˌnɑː(r)/.a talk on a subject which is given over the Internet, allowing a group of people in different places to watch, listen and sometimes respond on the same occasion
DOWNLOAD:pronunciation /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/. to move information to your computer from another computer system or the Internet
LAN:pronunciation /læn/.local area network: a system that allows computers in the same building or group of buildings to communicate with each other
NETWORK: pronunciation /ˈnetˌwɜː(r)k/.COMPUTING a set of computers that are connected to each other so that each computer can send and receive information to and from the other computers
SEARCH:pronunciation /sɜː(r)tʃ/.the process of examining official documents to find information
VPN:pronunciation /ˌviː pi: ˈen/. virtual private network: a way of creating a secure private network using a public encrypted network such as the internet. It is used by businesses for employees to communicate and by people who want to avoid censorship and other online restrictions.
CABLE:pronunciation /ˈkeɪb(ə)l/.thick wire covered with plastic that is used for carrying electricity or electronic signals
BATTERY: pronunciation /ˈbæt(ə)ri/. an object that fits into something such as a radio, clock, or car and supplies it with electricity
ADDRESS:pronunciation /əˈdres/. COMPUTING a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that show you where to find a particular website on the Internet
DATABASE: pronunciation /ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪs/. a large amount of information stored in a computer in an organized way that allows individual pieces of information to be found quickly
LICENCE:pronunciation /ˈlaɪs(ə)ns/.an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something
ELECTRICITY: pronunciation /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/.a form of energy that can produce light, heat, and power for machines, computers, televisions etc
VIRTUAL: pronunciation /ˈvɜː(r)tʃʊəl/. almost the same as the thing that is mentioned
GIGABYTE: pronunciation /ˈɡɪɡəˌbaɪt/.a unit for measuring computer information, equal to 1,024 megabytes. The written abbreviation is GB.
GIGAHERTZ: pronunciation. a unit for measuring sound waves, radio waves, and computer speed
QUAD: pronunciation /kwɒd/. a quadruplet
MICRO:pronunciation.extremely small: used with some nouns and adjectives
NANO: pronunciation /nænəʊ/.one of a thousand million equal parts: used with some nouns
TERABYTE: pronunciation /ˈterəˌbaɪt/.a unit for measuring the capacity of a computer system, equivalent to 1012 bytes. The written abbreviation is TB.
MEGABYTE:pronunciation /ˈmeɡəˌbaɪt/. a unit for measuring the size of a computer’s memory, equal to just over one million bytes. The written abbreviation is MB.
KILOBYTE:pronunciation /ˈkɪləʊˌbaɪt/. a unit for measuring computer information, containing 1024 bytes. The written abbreviation is kB.
TECHNICAL:pronunciation. involving science or industry
POWER:pronunciation /ˈpaʊə(r)/ . the ability to influence or control what people do or think
BLOG:pronunciation /blɒɡ/.a web log: a website containing short articles called posts that are changed regularly. Some blogs are written by one person about their own opinions, interests and experiences, while others are written by many different people.
DIGITAL: pronunciation /ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l/. storing information such as sound or pictures as numbers or electronic signals
GRAPHICS CARD: the part inside a computer that changes information into images
ACCOUNTING:pronunciation /əˈkaʊntɪŋ/. the work of accountants or the methods they use
ARRAY:pronunciation /əˈreɪ/. SCIENCE a number of pieces of equipment of the same type, connected together to do a particular job
SYSTEM: pronunciation /ˈsɪstəm/.a set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose
CLICK: pronunciation /klɪk/.to make a short sound like the sound when you
SETTING: pronunciation /ˈsetɪŋ/. position that the controls of a piece of equipment are at
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: the use of computer technology to make computers and other machines think and do things in the way that people can
ATTACH: pronunciation /əˈtætʃ/ . to send something such as a document or piece of extra information with a letter
BACKSLASH: pronunciation /ˈbækˌslæʃ/. the symbol \ used for separating words or numbers, especially in the names of computer files. The similar symbol / is called a forward slash.
BACKUP:pronunciation /ˈbækʌp/. people or equipment that can be used when extra help is needed
BANDWIDTH: pronunciation /ˈbændˌwɪdθ/. COMPUTING the amount of information that can be sent each second over a network connection. A broadband Internet connection has high bandwidth.
BAUD:pronunciation /bɔːd/. a unit for measuring the speed at which information is sent to or from a computer
BIT: pronunciation /bɪt/ . COMPUTING the most basic unit of information that can be stored in a computer
CACHE MEMORY: an area of a computer’s memory for storing information that is regularly needed
CLICK RATE: the number of times a website is visited in a particular period of time
COMMAND: pronunciation /kəˈmɑːnd/. COMPUTING an instruction that you give to a computer to make it do something
CONSTRAINT: pronunciation. something that limits your freedom to do what you want
DESKTOP:pronunciation /ˈdeskˌtɒp/. the background of a computer screen that shows icons of the programs that are available
DRIVER: pronunciation /ˈdraɪvə(r)/. COMPUTING software that controls a piece of equipment connected to a computer
ENCRYPT: pronunciation /ɪnˈkrɪpt/. to put information into code (=a system of words, numbers, or symbols that hides its real meaning)
ERROR: pronunciation /ˈerə(r)/. a failure in a computer process
FIREWALL:pronunciation . COMPUTING a computer program that prevents people from entering a computer system illegally and stealing information or causing damage
HOT KEY: a key on a computer keyboard that provides a short way of performing a set of actions
INBOX: pronunciation /ˈɪnˌbɒks/. the place on a computer program where emails arrive for you
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