The Divided Union: USA 1945-75. Protest Movements of the 1960s and Watergate


Civil Rights movement igcse topic
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which student protest group was set up in 1960? SDS: Student Democratic Society
Give two reasons why so many students protested in the 1960s? They were unhappy with the "norms" of society and family life/ anti war/ Unhappy with the inequality of wealth/ unhappy with treatment of minorities like Black Americans
A famous motto of the student movement once declared you should not trust anyone over which age? 30
Give two methods used in the student protests Sit-ins, marches, occupation of University buildings/ burning draft cards
Name two universities which held famous significant student protests Berkley, Columbia, Kent State
What happened at Kent State University in 1970? A peaceful protest turned violent/ National Guardsmen shot 4 people dead
What was the stereotypical view of women in the 1950s? Expected to raise their children, be good wives to their husbands and keep their house clean
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? Wife of former President Franklin Roosevelt, she was a campaigner for women's rights
Who wrote "The Feminine Mystique" in 1963? Betty Freidan
Why could this book be seen as controversial? Criticised the stereotypical view of women, encouraged them to think about a life outside the home
What did the "Equal Pay Act" of 1963 mean for women? It was now illegal to pay women less than men for doing the same job
How did the 1964 Civil Rights Act further help women's rights? It was now illegal for employers to discriminate against people on sexual grounds
What was "NOW"? National Organisation for Women, set up by Betty Frieden as many people's attitudes towards women still had not changed by 1966
How did they protest? Interrupt meetings who refuse to ask women for their opinion, produce magazines, protest at events like Ms World
Who was Phyllis Schlafly and what did she campaign for? She supported the stereotypical view of women and campaigned against an amendment to outlaw sexual discrimination. The amendment was not passed as a result of her efforts
What does CREEP mean? Committee for Re-Election of the President Set up to support Nixon's campaign for re-election
What happened on the 17th June 1972? 5 burglars were arrested at the Watergate hotel buildings They were all members of CREEP and were planting bugging devices in the offices of the (democrats) rival political party
What evidence linked Nixon to the break in? Nixon recorded all phone calls in his White House office
Give two methods Nixon used to cover up his involvement Refused to hand over the tapes/ edited the tapes to show he had no knowledge of the break ins/ encouraged the investigator to be sacked
Why did Nixon resign in August 1964? To avoid being impeached (sacked) over the crisis and the content of the tapes
Give two outcomes of the scandal Public trust in the president was shaken/ 31 Nixon supporters were imprisoned/ Congress passed laws to prevent it happening again: Privacy Act, Budget Act, Election Campaign Act
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