Ch. 8 Risk management Strategies -short answers


Midterm O&A Flashcards on Ch. 8 Risk management Strategies -short answers, created by Tamara Jacob on 18/04/2016.
Tamara Jacob
Flashcards by Tamara Jacob, updated more than 1 year ago
Tamara Jacob
Created by Tamara Jacob almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
AVOIDANCE When an activity, procedure, or event is so risky that dire consequences are likely, the organization may chose to avoid that activity
TRANSFERENCE When activities are associated with high financial risk but low frequency (catastrophic, sport injury) or low financial risk but high frequency (fractures, surgical injuries), a common method to reduce the risk of these activities is to transfer all or part of the risk to another entity.
RETENTION Every organization have activities or sponsors programs that have a level of risk deemed acceptable in light of organization's mission. The organization accepts and retains risks like these.
REDUCTION Careful development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and procedures can reduce the risk.
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