Exersice E page 143


Flashcards on Exersice E page 143, created by rehabhamoui on 23/04/2013.
Flashcards by rehabhamoui, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rehabhamoui over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nowadays, employees are so attached To their company that they stay longer Than a few years. Nowadays, employees are so devoted to Their company that stay longer than a Few years.
Many employees leave companies Because they are expected to spend a Lot of time on work-related projects. Many employees leave companies Because they are expected to devote a Lot of time on work-related projects.
They believe that companies should not Expect employees to be loyal when they Are asked to do an increasing amount of Work. They believe that companies should not Expect employees to be devoted when They Are asked to do an increasing Amount of Work.
At first, some businesses spent more Money to try to get employees to stay With the company. At first, some businesses devote more Money to try to get employees to stay With the company.
Now, however, most businesses have Decided that they can't afford to buy the Affection of their employees. Now, however, most businesses have Decided that they can't afford to buy the Devotion of their employees.
Instead of expecting loyalty, they now Expect employees to leave after a Certain time and to get a regular Number of new employees. Instead of expecting devotion, they now Expect employees to leave after a Certain time and to get a regular Number of new employees.
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