English Around the world


Flashcards on English Around the world, created by stewil on 07/06/2016.
Flashcards by stewil, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stewil almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sights of Australia Sydney Opera House Great Barrier Reef Ayers Rock Kakadu National Park
Sydney Opera House one of the 20th century's most characteristic buildings designed by a danish architect opened in 1973
Great Barrier Reef the world's largest coral reef system 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres located in the Coral Sea, Queensland
Uluru / Ayers Rock a large sandstone rock formation is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is sacred to the Aboriginal people
Kakadu National Park is a protected area in the Northern Territory of Australia a variety of wildlife
Leisure time activities surfing swimming diving snorkeling hiking sightseeing
Aborigines the natives of Australia loss of original living space and culture discrimination unemployment addiction problems problems to fit in forced to become part of the norm
Aboriginal Art is an important part of traditional life occurs as body decoration in ceremonies, on trees, carved on rocks, weapons.. enormous variety
Aboriginal Music didgeridoo is the typical musical instrument consists of a long tube are traditionally made of eucalyptus
Sights of the United States The Statue of Liberty The white House Niagara Falls Grand Canyon
The Statue of Liberty one of New York's most popular tourist attractions symbol for freedom and democracy gift from France you can reach the top with an elevator
The White House official residence and workplace of the U.S. president located in Washington DC
Niagara Falls located on the boarder to Canada are illuminated with colour at night you can go there by boat
Grand Canyon the most of the canyon is a national park located in Arizona the Colorado River runs through the Canyon
Leisure time activities fast food restaurant sightseeing surfing road trip "Route 66" biking travelling by trailer
"The American Dream" Definition the opportunity and freedom for all citizens to achieve their goals and become rich and famous if only they work hard enough.
"The American Dream" earlier bad living conditions in Europe and the hope for better living standards in America attracted more and more settlers to migrate "from a waiter to a millionaire"
"The American Dream" today focus is on the success of the individuum + lower taxes + little interference of the state - no social fond for the poor - no serious interest in important issues like environmental protection etc. it is an illusion nowadays
Roles for the matura task travel agency friend tour guide
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