PSY4111-Psychology 1A Chapter Research Methods


Flashcards on PSY4111-Psychology 1A Chapter 2 Research Methods, created by Emma Day1338 on 24/06/2016.
Emma Day1338
Flashcards by Emma Day1338, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Day1338
Created by Emma Day1338 about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prefrontal lobotomy Surgical procedure that severs fibres connecting the frontal lobes of the brain from the underlying thalamus
Heuristics Mental shortcuts that help us streamline our thinking and make sense of the world
Naturalistic observation Watching behaviour in real-world settings
External validity Extent to which we can generalise findings to real-world settings
Internal validity Extent to which we can draw cause-and-effect inferences from a study
Case study Research design that examines one person or a small number of people in depth, often over an extended time period
Existence proofs Demonstrations that a given psychological phenomenon can occur
Correlational design Research design that examines the extent to which two variables are associated
Scatterplot Grouping of plots on a two-dimensional graph in which each dot represents a single persons data
Illusionary correlations Perception of a statistical association between two variables where none exist
Experiment Research design characterised by random assignment of participants to conditions, and manipulation of an independent variable
Random assignment Randomly sorting participants into two groups
Experimental groups In an experiment, the group of participants that relieves the manipulation
Control group In an experiment, the group of participants that does not receive the manipulations
Independent variable Variable that the experimenter manipulates
Dependent variable Variable that an experimenter measures to see whether the manipulation has had an effect
Operational definition A working definition of what the researcher is measuring
Confound Any difference between the experimental and control groups other than the independent variable
Placebo effect Improvement resulting from the mere expectation of improvement
Blind Unaware of whether one is in the experimental group or the control group
Nocebo effect Harm resulting from the mere expectation of harm
Experimenter expectancy effect Phenomenon on in which researchers' hypotheses lead them to unintentionally bias the outcome of the study
Double-blind When neither researchers nor participants are aware of who is in the control group
Demand characteristics Cues that participants pick up from a study that allow them to generate guesses regarding the researcher's hypotheses
Random selection Procedure that insures every person in a population has an equal chance of being chosen to participate
Reliability Consistency of measurement
Validity Extent to which a measure assesses what it purports to measure
Response sets Tendencies of research participants to distort the responses to questionnaire items
Informed consent Informing research Participants of what is involved in the study before asking them to participate
Statistics Application of mathematics to describing and analysing data
Descriptive statistics Numerical characterisations that describe data
Central tendency Measure of the 'central' scores in a dataset or with the group tends to cluster
Mean Average; a measure of central tendency
Median Middle score in a dataset; a measure of central tendency
Mode Most frequent score in a dataset; a measure of central tendency
Dispersion Measure of how loosely or tightly bunch scores are
Range Difference between the highest and lowest scores; a measure of dispersion
Standard deviation Measure of desperation that takes into account how far each data point is from the mean
Inferential statistics Mathematical methods that allow us to determine whether we can generalise findings from our sample to the full population
Meta-analysis Investigation of the consistency of patterns of results across large numbers of studies conducted in different laboratories
File drawer problem Tendency for negative findings to remain unpublished
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