Meiosis definitions


Flashcards on Meiosis definitions, created by misspig38 on 26/04/2013.
Flashcards by misspig38, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by misspig38 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Allele different form of a gene
locus position of a particular gene on the chromosome
phenotype the appearance of an organism resulting from the interaction of the genotype and the environment
genotype combination of alleles for a particular gene
dominant a type of allele that only rewuires one copy for the characteristics to be expressed in the phenotype- characteristic will be expressed even if it is heterozygous
recessive a type of allele that requires both identical alleles for it to be expressed in the phenotype
co dominant two alleles contributing to the phenotype
crossing over when length of DNA are swapped from one chromatid to another
linkage two or more genes located on the same chromosome which will reduce the number of phenotype resulting from a cross (3:1 ratio)
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