Chapter 1 Concept Flashcards


The major concepts that appear in Chapter 1.
Miss Huseby
Flashcards by Miss Huseby, updated more than 1 year ago
Miss Huseby
Created by Miss Huseby over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Becoming a disciple of Christ involves: 1) Faith in Christ 2) Following His teachings 3) Sacrament of Baptism
The 7 Sacraments can be divided into these 3 categories: 1) Initiation 2) Healing 3) Mission and Service
The Sacraments of Initiation are: *Baptism *Confirmation *Eucharist
The Sacraments of Healing are: *Anointing of the Sick *Confession/Reconciliation
The Sacraments of Mission & Service are: *Matrimony *Holy Orders
"Sacrament" comes from the Latin word... "Sacramentum"
These are the PRIMARY means by which Christ acts in the world today The 7 sacraments
In the 7 Sacraments Matt 28: 18-20 is fulfilled Christ fulfills his promise to remain with his Church always
"Efficacious" is another word for: Effective
Signs do this: They direct our attention to a deeper reality
Sacraments are visible rites that make present these: Graces
The Sacraments bear fruit... In all who receive them...
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Baptism Water
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Confirmation Sacred Chrism (Oil)
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Eucharist Bread & Wine
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession/Penance The words of the confession
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Holy Orders The laying on of hands
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Marriage The exchange of vows & consummation
The material sign used in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Oil & laying on of hands
Grace comes from the Latin word meaning Gift of favor
A way to describe Grace in general: Divine assistance that saves and sanctifies us
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