Chapter 1 Vocabulary


Chapter One Vocabulary
Kendra  Smith
Flashcards by Kendra Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Kendra  Smith
Created by Kendra Smith over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hardware anything you can touch around technology
Software (inside the computer) it tells the hardware what to do
System Software overall functioning of the computer (monitor)
Application Software specific/minor functions of the hardware (Microsoft Word)
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) sharing or communicating virtually(accessing or managing information)
Web 2.0/3.0 tools evolved technology that continues to grow over the years
Virtual Library instructional resources on the Internet
Online Learning Environments extending the classroom to the community using the curriculum
TPACK using technology, methods, and content knowledge to teach
Push technology educational information that in PUT on the internet
Pull Technology receive ideas and resources from online community
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