chapter 2 american revolution.


american revolution
celicia sims
Flashcards by celicia sims , updated more than 1 year ago
celicia sims
Created by celicia sims almost 8 years ago

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Question Answer
parliament the british legislature
legislature a group of people that makes laws
precedent a ruling that is used as basis for a judicial decisions in a later ,similar case
common law a system of law based on precedent and customs.
compact an agreement or contract , among a group of people.
mercantilism the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys.
boycott the refusal to purchase certain goods
congress a formal meeting at which representatives discuss matters of common concern.
confederations a group of individuals or states that that band together fora common purpose.
magna carta great
legislature a group of people that make laws
precedent a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decisions in a later , similar case
common law a system of law based on precedent and customs.
compact an agreement or contract among a group of people
mercantilism the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys
boycott a refusal to purchase certain goods
congress a formal meeting at which representatives discuss matters of common concern.
confederation a group of individuals or states that band together fora common purpose
magna carta great charter signed in 1215 by king john ; limited the power of the monarch and recognized rights of the nobles
Glorious revolutions 1688 the peaceful transfer of power in history of england : parliament removed king james II from throne and invited his daughter mary and her husband william to rule instead.
English Bill Of Rights In english history guaranteed free elections , the right to a fair trial and made cruel and unusual punishment illegal.
natural rights rights you are born with life , liberty & property.
social contrast agreement between the people ( the governed) and the government ; people agree to give up part of their freedom to govt in exchange for protection of natural rights.
baron de montesquieu philosopher who came up with "separation of powers"
enlightenment during the 1700's & 1800's movement that spread the idea that reason and science could improve society.
mayflower compact document signed by passenger of mayflower ,created a direct democracy in the new world : also represented idea of a social contract
house of burgesses bicameral legislature in jamestown , virginia ; also was the first representative democracy in the new world.
indentured servant a person who agreed to work for period of 7 years to pay off coast of their passage to colonies.
triangular trade trade between europe africa and the americans ; slaves from africa were transported to the americans and traded for sugar and molasses.
middle passage the journey across the atlantic ocean made by slave ship
salutary neglect sometimes called healthy or useful neglect meant england did not strictly enforce its laws in the colonies.
french indian war also called the seven years war between england and france , because of war debt england its laws in the colonies.
"no taxations without representations" slogan that summed up the colonies anger over taxes and the fact the colonies the revolutionary
second continental congress meeting of colonial delegates in may 1775 , a committee of 5 men where appointed to write a document declaring american independence.
declaration of independence the document addressed to King George II of england that declared american indepndence
Thomas Jefferson Main Author Of D.O.I
John Locke English Philosopher whose natural rights philosophy was a big influence on thomas jefferson.
fundamental orders of connecticut 1st written constitution in the new world.
proclamation of 1763 England said colonist could not settle new lands beyond the appalachian mts.
Articles of confederation Our 1st government ; lasted about 10 years created a 'league of friendship" between the 13 states.
Daniel shays' Rebelion a wake up call for americans ; Daniel shays led a rebellion of massachusetts farmers against the federal govt. under the aoc
Philadelphia conventions aka constitution convection ; met may sept.1787 delegates suppose to amend (fix) the articles of confederation ; end up writing a new constitution
james madison farther of the constitution.
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