Graphology Key Terms and Ideas


A Levels English Language (Other frameworks) Flashcards on Graphology Key Terms and Ideas, created by Hazel Meades on 14/03/2014.
Hazel Meades
Flashcards by Hazel Meades, updated more than 1 year ago
Hazel Meades
Created by Hazel Meades over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Graphology Layout/use of images/columns/typeface/style/size/paragraphs.
Connotations of smaller fonts This implies that the writer is confident and that the text contains more important information.
Sans-serif fonts These have connotations of efficiency, neutrality and modern society.
Stereotypical female fonts Women typically prefer rounded curvy fonts with tails.
Stereotypical male fonts Typically men tend to prefer rigid, technical, machine-like fonts.
Courier font This has connotations of being old-fashioned, cheap and impersonal.
Serif fonts These connote that the text is trustworthy, reliable and perhaps old-fashioned.
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