Second Language Acquisition - Age


Karteikarten zu Critical Period Hypothesis
Michael Tewes
Flashcards by Michael Tewes, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Tewes
Created by Michael Tewes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of CRITICAL PERIOD HYPOTHESIS? Claims, that there is an ideal time window to acquire language in a linguistically rich environment, after which language acquisition becomes much more difficult and effortful
What are SIMULTANEOUS BILINGUALS? Children, that acquire two language from birth
What are SEQUENTIAL BILINGUALS Children, that learn one language from birth and another during childhood
Differences age INITIAL STAGES of LEARNING older childs, adults often progress faster than early child learners in the INITIAL STAGES (grammar etc.) But the children will surpass their older peers and gain more proficiency.
Role of UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR in AGE Theory: Universal linguistic principle are present from birth. But parameters vary from language to language. UG remains into adulthood, but the ability to reset the parameters for each language is lost.
Biological theory of acquiring language regarding AGE? The brain loses the ability for adaption and reorganization with age (puberty seems to be a remarkable indicator) Studies with brain damage (Lenneberg 1967)
Age and NATIVE ACCENT Common theory: Only child learners are capable of acquiring a native accent in informal contexts
Age and NATIVE GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE Common theory: Children may be more likely to acquire a native grammatical competence
Age and levels of attainment SLA Common theory: Children are more likely to reach higher levels of attainment in both pronunciation and grammar than adults
Age and PROCESS of acquiring a second language. The process of acquiring a second language grammar is not substantially affected by age, but that of acquiring pronunciation my be.
Motivation vs. neurology Marinova-Todd et al. (2000): Motivation, rather than neurology, is the determining factor in SLA success... Some older beginner achieved native like proficiency because they were highly motivated
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