Exposition about writing numbers.


this is the exposition about writing numbers o
Mariana Beltrán Barrios
Flashcards by Mariana Beltrán Barrios, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana Beltrán Barrios
Created by Mariana Beltrán Barrios over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A NUMBER BEGINNING A SENTENCE. Fifteen cartons were delivered today. Sixteen students passed the course. NUMBERS REFERRED TO AS NUMBERS. Pick a number from 1 to 20. The number 13 is considered unlucky.
APPROXIMATE AND ROUND NUMBERS. We expect nearly eighty guests. We registered one hundred students. NUMBERS IN SERIES We ordered 5 Cokes, 4 pizzas and 2 pies. He bought 2 shirts, 3 ties and 4 belts.
NUMBERS UNDER TEN. We sent nine invitations. Sara bought three blocks. LARGE NUMBERS. This English text has 198 pages. We ordered 350 typing books.
AGES OF PEOPLE, IN YEARS. Richard is twenty years old. Gloria will be fifteen in May. AGES IN DAYS, MONTHS AND YEARS. It took 3 days, 4 months and 2 years to build. He was 23 days, 2 months and 88 years when he died.
NUMBERS PRECEDING O’CLOCK. Jim will see you at seven o’clock. The Director will arrive at ten o’clock. USE FIGURES WITH A.M. OR P.M. Harry will meet us at 4:00 p.m. The meeting starts at 4:15 sharp.
DATES, WHEN THE MONTH IS NOT GIVEN. We received your fax of the third. The boss is leaving on the tenth. DATES, WHEN THE MONTH IS GIVEN. We received your letter of June 3. We sent you a fax on October 5.
NUMBERED STREETS, TEN AND BELOW. Henry lives at 876 Seventh Street. Jean took a bus to Eighth Avenue. NUMBERED STREETS, ABOVE TEN. Deliver this to 655 62nd Avenue. We live at 6601 S.W. 30th St.
ORDINAL NUMBERS. The patient recovered after the first week. Our boss returned after the third day. QUANTITIES USED WITH PERCENT. Prices will be raised 4% in August. You will get a 10% for prompt payment.
CENTURIES AND DECADES. Cartagena was founded in the fifteenth centuries. The Twentieth Century is gone. HISTORICAL YEARS AND DATES. America was discovered in 1493. The Colombo was founded in 1962.
INDEFINITE AMOUNTS OF MONEY. He earns several thousands a year. She paid a couple hundred dollars for it. EXACT AMOUNTS OF MONEY. Richard bought a watch for $456, Sean paid $25,500 for his car.
WHEN TWO NUMBERS OCCUR TOGETHER. Write the larger and spell out the other. WHEN TWO NUMBERS OCCUR TOGETHER. We sold three 7-room apartments. I had to type 8 four-page reports.
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