Chapter 5 Kitchen Essentials


Flashcards on Chapter 5 Kitchen Essentials, created by Emily Jerovetz on 12/10/2016.
Emily Jerovetz
Flashcards by Emily Jerovetz, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Jerovetz
Created by Emily Jerovetz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Steamer Used to steam food items like vegetables and grains. It uses low or high steam pressure. A steamer often consists of a set of stacked pots. The lower pot holds boiling water. The upper pot has a perforated bottom that allows the steam to enter through and cook the food in the pot above. All types of steamers cook food items quickly in very hot (212°F) water vapor.
Convection steamer Steam is generated in a boiler and then piped to the cooking chamber, where it is vented over the food. Pressure does not build up in the unit. Rather, it is continually exhausted, which means the door may be opened at any time without danger of scalding or burning as with a pressure steamer. Cooks use convection steamers to cook large quantities of food.
Convection steamer
Pressure steamer Cooks food with high-temperature steam. Water is heated under pressure in a sealed compartment, allowing it to reach temperatures greater than 212°F. It's very important to release the pressure before opening the door on a pressure steamer.
Pressure steamer
Steam-jacketed kettle Available in freestanding and tabletop versions and in a very wide range of sizes. The kettle's bottom and sides have two layers, and steam circulates between the layers, heating liquid food like soups and stews quickly and evenly.
Steam-jacketed kettle
Tilting fry pan Often called a fry pan or skillet; used to grill, steam, braise, sauté, and stew many different kinds of food. Most tilting fry pans have lids that allow the unit to function as a steamer
Tilting fry pan
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