NV Points and Muscles


NV Points Flashcards on NV Points and Muscles, created by Blanka on 03/05/2013.
Flashcards by Blanka, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Blanka almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Half an inch above the Posterior Fontanel OPL, Trapezius
The only one not on the head. Three points on the back of the knee joint: above the knee laterally, central on the knee crease, medial just below it diagonally Popliteus
The Frontal Eminences (=the two bumps on forehead on a line above the pupils) Supraspinatus, PMC, Levator Scapulae, Brachioradialis, Pectoralis Minor, Subclavius, Supinator
The Frontal Eminences + the points in the corner of the orbital socket by the nose Sacrospinalis, Peroneus, Tibials
The Parietal Eminences (=at the widest part of the head above the ears) Quadriceps, Abdominals, Gluteus Medius, Piriformis, Fascia Lata, Hamstrings, Quadratus Lumborum
The Parietal Eminences + 1.5 inches either side of the Occipital Protuberance Iliacus
Either side of the Occipital Protuberance at the base of the skull, next to the groove Psoas
The line between outer corner of the eye and where the ear joins the head, an inch in front of ear, both sides Teres Major, Upper Trapezius
The line between outer corner of the eye and where the ear joins the head, an inch in front of ear, both sides + In the notch at the top of the sternum Teres Minor
The line between outer corner of the eye and where the ear joins the head, an inch in front of ear, both sides + At the "Angle of Louis" Infraspinatus
The Posterior Fontanel, located at the Lambda (=the junction of the both parietal bones and occipital bone) Sartorius, Gastrocnemius, Gracilis, Soleus
On the Ramus (=the flat plate of the jaw) Neck Muscles
Above The Frontal Eminences at the level of the hairline PMS, Rhomboids
One inch above and slightly behind the top of the ear (both sides) Latissimus Dorsii, Triceps
The Anterior Fontanel/the soft spot on babies/the Bregma in adults (covering it with three fingers) Deltoids, Anterior Serratus, Coracobrachialis, Subscapularis, Anterior Deltoid, Diaphragm
On the Lambdoidal Suture half way between Lambda (=at the back of sagittal suture) and Asterion (=where the temporal, parietal and occipital bones meet) Pronator Teres, Adductors, Gluteus Maximus,
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