Year 2 Drug Cards


Flashcards on Year 2 Drug Cards, created by Brandon Wong on 31/03/2014.
Brandon Wong
Flashcards by Brandon Wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Wong
Created by Brandon Wong over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Propanolol b1+2 ANTAG - (2Ps in the name) - used as an antihypertensive - like any b2 antagonists beware of bronchoconstrictive side effects, so don't use in asthmatics
Prazosin alpha antagonist, antihypertensive - vasodilation, less TPR, etc. Another good property is that it reduces [LDL] and increases [HDL] slightly.
Labetolol a1 and b1 ANTAG - for the B1 ANTAG remember not just action on heart, but also kindeys - less renin secretion, less AT2, less HTN, etc.
Physostigmine yup a reversible anticholinesterase - good for long term glaucoma use - and also atropine poisoning
Pilocarpine muscarinic AGONIST - causes contraction of ciliary muscle + sphincter, miosis and improved aqueous humour drainage, glaucoma treatment
Bethanecol M3 Musc Agonist as you said, post op for bladder and gi emptying.
Hexamethonium Nicotinic channel antagonist, first ever antihypertensive but no real clinical use anymore
Atropine muscarinic ANTagonist in deadly nightshade. also used as anaesthetic premedication; inhibits parasymp effector organs and the sweat glands.
Tropicamide Comp M3 Antagonist used to dilate pupils for peering into peoples' eyes by decreasing contractility of ciliary and sphincter pupillae (given as eye drops)
Atenolol selective beta 1 beta blocker, (antagonist), used to Tx Graves' Disease, angina, acute MI. NB Doesn't decrease TPR
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