the abdication of kaiser, the armistice, and the revolution


Flashcards on the abdication of kaiser, the armistice, and the revolution, created by Aaishah Din on 24/11/2016.
Aaishah  Din
Flashcards by Aaishah Din, updated more than 1 year ago
Aaishah  Din
Created by Aaishah Din about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
when was the German revolution? the German revolution was from 1918-19
when, and why did kaiser abdicate? kaiser abdicated on 9 November. He did so as his ministers had told him it was the only way to restore order in Germany, and although at first he refused, officers at army headquarters and the army stopped supporting him, so he was forced to.
define: abdication. abdication: a leader giving up their throne or position
define communist communism was an extreme form of government in which representatives of workers set up a government and take owner ship of all land,property, and resources of a country. It was associated with Germany's enemy, Russia.
define constitution the rules which set out how a country is run
what is the SPD? Social Democratic Party
who was Philip Scheidemann? what did he do when rioters were going to announce a communist government? Philip. S. was a leading member of the SPD. he had rushed to an open window, and told the people kaiser had gone and appealed for a peaceful transition to the new regime.
on __ Nov, ______ signed the armistice. this was the first major decision of the government. the _____________ were to become a permanent burden to the new republic On 11th Nov, Matthias Erzberger signed the armistice. It was the first major decision of the government. The treaty of Versailles were to become a permanent burden to the new republic.
who was Friedrich Ebert? the leader of the SPD.
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