Of Mice and Men- Loneliness


Flashcards on Of Mice and Men- Loneliness, created by Greta Westwood on 05/05/2013.
Greta Westwood
Flashcards by Greta Westwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Greta Westwood
Created by Greta Westwood almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Crooks lives all alone because he's segregated from all the others because he's black.
Why does Crooks find it hard to enjoy another person's company at first? Because he is used to loneliness
When is the only time we see Curley with his wife? When Curley's wife is dead
Why are the men on the ranch like orphans? Because they 'got no family'
Crooks and Candy's attempt to grab hold of George and Lennie's dream lead to... Bitter disappointment
Lennie (for companionship) holding his animals, holding the girl's skirt in Weed and holding onto Curley's wife lead to Tragedy
Curley's wife trying to get a bit of companionship by flirting and talking to the ranchers lead to... A disaster for her- she gets the opposite of companionship
Most of the ranchers comment on how strange it is that Lennie and George travel together because... It's unusual for ranchers to make friends.
Does Steinbeck offer a solution to Loneliness? No, Loneliness appears to be part of human nature
Is loneliness something the characters can change? No
The novel emphasises loneliness of others to... reflect on the importance of George and Lennie's companionship
The pessimism in the novel shows... The reality of the attitudes in the 1930s (when it was published-1937) Having been through the Great Depression in 1929.
During the Greta Depression there were high levels of Unemployment, poverty and homelessness
Does George every really seem to think that his and Lennie's dream will come true? Although there are brief moments where he seems to believe it, realism snaps back at him and he knows that it won't happen.
Animals only provided a temporary solution to loneliness because... He killed all the animals he got
Candy's dog provided a solution to loneliness for Candy, but this didn't last because... Carlson shot his dog.
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