Von Papen


Notes about Von Papen regarding his background, influence and power, assistance to the Nazis and end of life
Elizabeth Carr
Flashcards by Elizabeth Carr, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Carr
Created by Elizabeth Carr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Background Recommended as Chancellor by von Schleicher; connections with aristocracy, Catholicism, big business; perceived as weak, inable and easy to influence
Influence and Power in Weimar Germany Part of non-party government of national concentration - presidential government dominated by Junkers; was the second most powerful person in Germany whilst Chancellor
Assistance to the Nazis To get his own back on von Schleicher, he persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor and himself as Vice-Chancellor; also influenced Hitler's original cabinet position in 1932
End of life Resigned from vice-chancellorship after the Night of Long Knives; became German Ambassador in Austria and Turkey; found not guilty of war crimes in Nuremburg Trials; lived privately until dying aged 90
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