Essential 504 Lesson13-16


İlgar  Asadov
Flashcards by İlgar Asadov , updated more than 1 year ago
İlgar  Asadov
Created by İlgar Asadov about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
famine starvation, great shortage acliq
revive bring back or come back to life or counsciousness canlandirmaq berpa
persist qalmaq continue,keep
hazy misty smoky
unruly lawless hard to rule or control
rival opponent, reqib
brawl a noisy quarrel of fight dava dalas
vicious evil ,wicked, savage
whirling turning or swinging around
underdog looser, having the worst of any struggle
thrust push with force
bewildered confused, puzzled
expand increase in size, enlarge,swell
alter make different,vary, change
matura ripe,fully grown or developed
saced holy, worthy of respect
revise change ,alter. bring up to date
pledge promise
casual happening by chance,daily
pursue proceed along,follow
unanimous in complete agreement
fortunate lucky,having good luck
pioneer one who goes first or prepares way for others
slender long and thin, limited ,slight
surpass do better than, excel, be greater than
vast very great enormous
penetrate get into or through
pierce go into , go throught, penetrate
accurate exactly right as the result of care or pains deqiq
cautious very carefur,never taking chances
confident firmly believing, certain,sure
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