Signals 2: Function & Evolution


signals lecture 2 in animal behaviour
Dylan Vaughan-Williams
Flashcards by Dylan Vaughan-Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Dylan Vaughan-Williams
Created by Dylan Vaughan-Williams about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
in the gother snake example which evolved first the snakes heat sensitivity or the gothers signal heat sensitivity
what was the example in Noctuid moths Male moths make similar signal to bats to get the female bats to land so they can mate Different theory to ritualization.
what is the example of courtship with the Neumania papilator Net stance’ Male leg vibration Which is similar to a Choco pod Hungry females more responsive Net stance evolved before trembling courtship
what is the signal in primates trichrmatic colour vision which already helps them detect fruits and leaves bias for red skin
in trichromatic primates ie human do they have bare skin or covered skin. and why yes they do in order to show emotional states
how was dychromatic colour identification originally evolved its much easier to identify red fruit against a green background. especially the ability to identify high quality ripe fruit
Did red pelage / skin evolve to exploit pre-existing ability to distinguish red from green? The colour vision does appear to come about first with the skin colouration coming later
what was the sensory exploitation that was taken advantage of in cats cats have been selected to pur at bettween 300Hz - 600Hz which is the same vocal range that human babies cry at
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