Basic Haitian Creole


Some basic phrases used in Haiti
Flashcards by mars.insanity, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mars.insanity over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
byen venu welcome
byenvini (verb) welcome
bèlantre (noun) welcome
bonjou hello
sak pase How are you?
koman ou ye How are you?
ki jan ou ye How are you?
mwen byen I'm well.
m'ap boule I'm fine. (lit. "I'm on fire.")
kon si kon sa so so
m'ap viv I'm living.
et ou (mem) and you?
kouman ou rele What is your name?
ki jan ou rele What is your name?
ki non ou What is your name?
ki non w What is your name?
M rele My name is...
mwen rele My name is...
non m se My name is...
Ki kote ou sòti Where are you from?
m'sòti I'm from...
anchante pleased to meet you
M'kontan fè konesans ou Pleased to meet you
bon maten good morning
bon apre-midi good afternoon
bonswa good evening
bònn nui good night
bonswa et bon rev good night
adye goodbye
orevwa goodbye
babay goodbye
N a wè pi ta see you later
A demen until tomorrow
Pase yon bònn jounen have a nice day
Eske ou konprann Do you understand?
mwen konprann I understand
mwen pa komprann I don't understand
mwen pa konnen I don't know
Ou ka pale dousman souple please speak more slowly
Ou ka repete souple please say that again
eske ou pale angle Do you speak English?
wi yes
piti piti a little
Kijan ou di ... an kreyòl How do you say ____ in Creole?
Kòman ou di ... an Kreyòl How do you say ____ in Creole?
eskize mwen excuse me
konbyen How much is this?
dezole sorry
souple please
mesi thank you
merite your welcome (in response to thanks)
padekwa your welcome (in response to thanks)
de ryen your welcome (in response to thanks)
Kote twalèt la Where's the bathroom?
Mwen renmen w I love you
Mwen sonje w I miss you
Fè mye talè get well soon
anmwe help
dife fire
rete stop
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