Respiration and Exercise


Flash Cards
Flashcards by Hannah MATTHOLIE, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Hannah MATTHOLIE over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Aerobic Respiration? Respiration with Oxygen
What is Anaerobic Respiration? Respiration without Oxygen
What is Respiration? The process of transferring energy from food molecules in every living cell
What is the word equation for Aerobic Respiration? Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + (energy)
What is the word equation for Anaerobic Respiration? Glucose = Lactic Acid + (little energy)
What does Respiration do? A series of reactions that release energy for cells from Glucose
What happens during exercise? The breathing rate, heart rate and depth of breathing all increase. The increased heart rate increases the rate of blood flow around the body. The increased rate and depth of breathing increases the rate of gaseous exchange in the lungs.
When does Aerobic Respiration happen? It happens all the time in the cells of animals and plants
What happens during Aerobic Respiration? Glucose and Oxygen are used up Carbon Dioxide and water are produced as waste products
Where does Aerobic Respiration take place? It takes place inside Mitochondria which is inside the cytoplasm of the cells Controlled by enzymes
What happens to the energy released during Respiration? (Plant specific) It may bee used to build up large molecules from smaller ones eg… Plants make amino acids from sugars, nitrates and other nutrients - which build up larger molecules (proteins)
What happens to the energy released during Respiration? (Animal specific) Enables muscles to contract so animals can move Keeps body temperature steady (when surroundings are colder than them)
What happens during exercise? (muscle cells respire more than at rest) Oxygen and Glucose must be delivered more quickly to the muscle cells Waste Carbon Dioxide must be removed more quickly
How is Glucose stored? In animals: muscles store glucose as glycogen (converted back during exercise) In plants: glucose stored as starch
What is the difference between Respiration and Breathing? Respiration releases energy Breathing lets air into and out of our lungs
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