Foundations of Instructional Design- Chapter Two


Describe at least four major assumptions of the authors of this test regarding instructional design and discuss how these assumptions relate to your own philosophy of education.
Idania Arroyo
Flashcards by Idania Arroyo, updated more than 1 year ago
Idania Arroyo
Created by Idania Arroyo almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Learning a change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time.
Constructivism an educational philosophy within larger category of philosphies that are described as rationalism.
Individual Constructivism Knowledge is constructed from experience.
Individual Constructivism Learning results froma a personal interpretation of knowledge.
Individual Constructivism Learning is an active process in which meaning is developed on the basis of experience.
Social Constructivism Learning is collaborative with meaning negotiated from multiple perspectives.
Contextualism Learning Should occur or be situated in realistic settings.
Contextualism Testing should be integrated into the task and not a separete activity.
Empiricism Objectivism-Knowledge is required throught experience
Behaviorism The only thing worth studying are the things that can be observed.
Behavioral Theory Emphasized the influence of the enviornment on learning.
Behaviorism Programmed Instruction have had a lasting impact.
Cognitive Learning Theories A view of learning as an active, constructive process.
Cognitive Learning Theories the presence of high-level processes in learning
Information-processing theory The most influential contributions from cognitive learning theory.
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