Twelfth Night language vocab


A2 English (Twelfth Night) Flashcards on Twelfth Night language vocab, created by Elle Rogers on 03/04/2017.
Elle Rogers
Flashcards by Elle Rogers, updated more than 1 year ago
Elle Rogers
Created by Elle Rogers almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aphorism a pithy observation which contains a general truth. eg Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
Colloquy A conversation
Acumen the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.
Erudite having or showing great knowledge or learning.
Sagely In a profound or wise manner.
Aloofness Aloofness is a noun meaning a state of being distant, remote, or withdrawn.
Iambic pentameter a line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable, for example Two households, both alike in dignity.
Exposition establishing the main character relationships in a situation involving a conflict.
Plot Development building up the dramatic tension and moving the conflict established to its climax. (In Twelfth Night, increasing complications resulting from love, and mistaken identity.)
Denouement resolution of the conflict and re-establishing some form of equilibrium. (In Twelfth Night, the realisation of the disguises and the pairing up of the characters.)
Dramatic Irony irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.
River Action actions not closely linked are moving in parallel to be integrated at the end of the play.
Characterisation the creation or construction of a fictional character.
blank verse verse without rhyme, especially that which uses iambic pentameters.
Prose Characters of common birth speak in prose. Sections of the play dominated by slapstick humour or sexual innuendo are also in prose.
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