Post War Britain


Flashcards by M E, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by M E almost 8 years ago

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Question Answer
What is a welfare state? Gov responsible for health of citizens
What is social security? Financial assistance to those in need
How were peoples lives disrupted by war? Women had to work. Men undergone traumas Families torn Youth crime
What does a right wing party stand for? Equality of oppurtunity if you can afford it Look after yourself Individuals over a group (conservs)
What does a left wing party stand for? Equality of oppurtunity no matter your wealth. State looks after ppl Group over individual (Labour)
How did post war impact class relations? Middle class aware of working class children condition Beveridge report began Welfare state
What was the impact of war on women? Working in factories and look after kids
what occured in 1941? All women 20+ had to work
When did war work stop? 1945 some women carried on working
why was work broken down into simple tasks? assumed that women couldn't cope
How did women help in armed forces? Support roles not at the front
Evidence to show that there was an increase in workers? by 1939 10 % worked by 1947 18%
Why did women stop working after 1945? To have children 1945: sudden increase in marriages
What was encouraged by the media and society? To have children
How did the war impact children? Schooling disrupted
Which group pf children were not evacuated? what did they resort to? Poor children Led to petty crimes and vandalism
Why was there part time school for children? Shortage of teachers
Good experiences of evacuation? Healthy Fresh air Rationing - better diets Enjoyed it so much
Where did children get evacuated to? country sides
How did the children suffer pshycologically? Lost/split from family members
Bad experiences of children? Treated badly Homesick Labour work
Why were children shocked/scared by conditions at home when they returned? Different from countryside Some seperated so young;never remembered their parents
How could Britain be rebuilded after the blitz caused damage? Workers and money = immigration encouraged
What had the evacuation shown the middle class? the poverty of working class children in cities
What did the Beveridge report promise? Universal health care. Social security to address poverty = workers and money = immigration encouraged
what had WWII led to? Small birth rate Lots of young men dying
How did soldiers dying affect Britain? Less workers Need some to fill labour shortages = immigration and women to work
Why did the working class campaign for social security? they saw what the war did to ppl
Name 3 problems that needed to be dealt with? Rebuilding Protection for workers Protection for women and children
How was the problem of rebuilding solved? Town and country planning act 1947 Housing act 1949 clearance of slums/bomb damaged housing
How did addressing the rebuilding problem help the people? Better homes Improved health
How was the problem of protecting the workers solved? National insurance act 1946 benefits for unemployed injured and sick workers
How did the NHS act affect ppl? Better health care
How was the problem of protecting women and children solved? NHS act 1948 Children act 1948
How did the NHS act affect children and women? Women = high quality maternity care. Life expectancy rose Infant mortality rate fell from 60,000 deaths in 1945 to 20,000
What did William Beveridge do in 1942? The civil servant advised the gov to set up a welfare state
What did the NHS provide? free benefits from the cradle to the grave
What happened in 1946? NHS passed by post war Labour gov
when did the NHS begin? 1948
Were British hospitals nationalised or communised? Nationalised
Where were GPs encouraged to move? From over doctored areas to places with shortages
Why did private practice continue? To pacify doctors who wanted to do this as they made a lot of money
What does the NHS provide? (3 things) medicines dentists hearing aids
Why was the NHS a big deal? 1st time everyone had health care
What used to happen before the NHS? Many couldn't afford docs had nowhere to go
What happened at the end of the 20th century? NHS in financial crisis
in 1950s what happened in the NHS? Perception, eye tests and dental treatment charges rose empty beds, waiting lists grew and couldnt pay for staff. still free for ppl
In April 1951 what happened? New chancellor of exchequer Gaitskill wanted charges for false teeth and glasses
What did Bevan do in response to Gaitskill? Threatened to resign He refused and Bevan resigned
What was the aim of the Blitz? Knock out main industries Make Britain suffer
What is the Blitz spirit? What was meant to break the British spirit made them more united
Why was gas masks issued to all during the war? Feared the Nazis would gas them all
Why did everyone grow vegetables? So it could be rationed Shortage of essentials Better diets
What did schools teach? Real life problems Duties over priveleges
why was there a shortage of teachers? Conscription War work
When were the children evacuated? Sept 1939
Who won in the 1945 General election? Labour party
What did the Beveridge report identify? 5 giant roads to recovery
What are the 5 roads to recovery (Beveridge report) Want (poverty) Disease Squalor (slums) Ignorance (less education) Idleness (less jobs)
To gain support from the NHS what did ppl have to do? All pay to welfare system (equal) Public interest!!!
Before war what happened if you were rich and sick than poor and sick? Paid more in the local insurance scheme monthly if you needed a doc
After war which patients were charged fees? Private patients
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