Social inequality


Sociology (GCSE) Flashcards on Social inequality , created by tasniask on 17/05/2014.
Flashcards by tasniask, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tasniask over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define social inequality Uneven distribution of resources and opportunities
Define wealth Ownership of assets which can be sold to make money
Define power The extent to which an individual can impose their will on others
Status social position
Define life chances Persons chances of achieving positive or negative outcomes
What are some factors effecting life chances Health, age, wealth, status, education etc.
What it closed systems of stratification This is when status is ascribed and social mobility is not possible
Give an example of a closed system Hindu cast system - your class is dependant on how you were in another life. Brahmin at the top Dalit at the bottom. status is ascribed
What is an open system Status is achieved through meritocracy and your own effort e.g promotion. social mobility is possible
An example of open class system status is dependent on social class (occupation and income)
What is social class Based on a persons income or occupation
4 classes and examples Upper class (business), middle class (doctors), working class (manual labour) and underclass (Charles murray introduced this and it is single mothers and homeless
Define social mobility This is the movement up or down the strata of society
Intra-generational mobility Movement of one occupation classification to another over a course of a persons lifetime
Inter generational mobility Movement between generations of a family
Give an example of intra generational mobility A teacher may get a promotion and become head of department
Example of inter generational mobility a childs parents may be unemployed and the child may work hard in school and become a doctor
3 reasons how britain allows social mobility Meritocracy (People awarded for their own efforts). Different ways of achieving social mobility such as winning lottery/marriage. Education
Functionalists approach to class Inequality is needed in order to attract the most talented to the most important positions. It is fair as only the most hardworking would get the best jobs (society is meritocratic)
Marxist view on class Capitalsm creates inequality between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The only way to get rid of social inequality is to gain class consciousness (proletariat being aware that they are exploited) and overthrow capitalism leading to communism
Webers view on social class 4 types of class professionals, petty bourgeoisie (small business owners), property owners and working class. each class has different life chances (property owners highest - working class lowest). class based on economic factors but also status . e.g. a lottery winner may be wealthy but not have status in society
How have womens roles now improved? More girls are outperforming boys in education. More women entering top professions and get paid more. rise in new man somore women contribute to household income.
Reasons for womens improvement feminism - gender equality changes in law - equal pay act 1970. sex discrimination act 1975.
Reasons for women still not being equal Men are still being paid more than women. glass cieling prevents women from getting top professions due to sexism and stereotypes. women still face dual burden.
Ethnic minorities and jobs Black Caribbean men are more likely to be denied or rejected from a job than a white british man. (In 2012 about 50% of black 16-24yr old males were unemployed in london
Ethnic minority in education racism in school can lead to underachievement. Some teachers may label a black caribbean as rude or disrespectful it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and so will underachieve
ethnic minorities and crime Police are more likely to sterotype black males. they are more likely to be targetted, and given longer sentences. e.g. murder of stephen lawrence although the police had enough witnesses and evidence they mishandled the case
What are the two types of racism Racial discrimination - when someone in authority is racist/predujice e.g. a judge in court. Institutional racism - organization fails to produce a service because of someones ethnicity can be intentional or not
Culture of poverty Poor are socialised into a subculture of poverty therefore cannot get out of it. They have developed a way of life and values to cope with their decision so cannot see a way out of it
Cycle of poverty Poverty is passed down. May be harder to progress in school so they are too unemployed and the cycle continues
Welfare dependency People are becoming more dependent on welfres so dont get a job. Charles murray argues that underclass (single mothers) are in poverty as they dont work and rely on benefits
Poverty trap Poor cannot afford to attend job interviews (no internet access or or travel/suit for work) and cant save money because they cant afford to
social exclusion People in relative poverty are excluded from society because of poor health/housing and unemployment. 45% of blacks aged 16-24 are unemployed in london
Increased cost of living Rise in food and gas bills but wages havent increased leading to poverty
embourgeoisement working class are becoming more like the middle class as they are able to spend more money. However they still see themselves as working class and the middle class do not see them as middle class
Proletarianisation The middle class are becoming more like the working class as call center workers are supervised in a factory like way and have low status/pay
Reasons for social class losing its importance other factors are more important like ethnicity and gender. we live in a meritocratic society where someones efforts determine their occupation not social class . More young people are going to universities which are more socially mixed.
Reasons for class still being important. A persons life chances are still based on their social class. There is still class differences in university. The elite go to oxford university and study things like law to get higher status careers. but working class are less likely to finish degree (financial reasons?). Curtis and Heath argue that people still use social class as their identities. More people see themselves as middle class as there is a rise for non manual jobs
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