Child health and wellbeing flashcards


These are flashcards for the 'child health and well being' topic covered in PPP2011 at bangor university for the academic year 2016/17
Sam Webb
Flashcards by Sam Webb, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Webb
Created by Sam Webb over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
_____ are more likely to be physically bullied, but _____ are more likely to be psychologically bullied Boys - Girls
"Withdrawn, weak, but do not invite aggression" - describes what type of bullying victim Passive victim
"Irritate peers, fight back unsuccessfully" - describes what type of bullying victim Proactive victim
What were the three aims of the KiVa program, prior to its administration 1) promote social skills 2) increase empathy 3) affect norms and behaviour
What does the KiVa program aim to do in bullying victims? Not change them, make them less vulnerable
Name some KiVa principles 1) make victims less vulnerable 2) influence classmates to reduce payoffs for bullying 3) make the victim feel helped and heard 4) confront bullies for their unacceptable behaviour
What does the 'Universal' component of the KiVa program mean? Across all children - taught 90min activities, high visibility vests, posters, websites, and assemblies
What does the 'Indicated' component of the KiVa program mean? To tackle incidents of reported bullying (that meet the KiVa criteria for bullying). Scripted interviews are used for meetings with bullys and victims. Peer support.
Outline the Kiva Program and explain how it reduces bullying in schools To reduce bullying, affect norms and behaviour, by using two components; Universal and Indicated; with activities to increase empathy and reduce payoffs for bullying
What are the requirements for interventions in children's health 1) should connect with child's psychology 2) should demonstrate strong evidence base 3) should actually change behaviour
What are some benefits of eating a diet rich in fruit and vege 1) Decrease risk of type 2 diabetes and heart conditions 2) protect against asthma 3) support brain development and enhance cognitive function 3) increase concentration. energy levels and motivation
Kevin is 5 years old and is bullied. Children stand and watch as he is bullied. Karl beats Kevin many times. No one intervenes. What would the KiVa program suggest to do Intervene and make sure that the bullying is not tolerated. Reduce payoff from reinforcement. Then invite the bully and the victim in for a structured interview, where the victim is assured they will be looked after and the bully is told there will be serious consequences
Name at least 3 reasons children don't eat fruit and vege 1) Lower preference for bitter / sour tasting foods 2) obesogenic environment 3) mass-market culture 4) power of branding
Name and describe the 3 key psychological principles underlying all food dudes programmes 1) role modelling 2) rewards 3) repeated tasting
There are two types of characters in the Food Dudes programme, what are their names? 1) the Food Dudes 2) the Junk Punks
What happens in the intensive phase of the Food Dudes programme Children are given a pair of fruit and vege (e.g., a melon slice and red cabbage)
What is the 'primary measure' in the Food Dudes programme? Children's consumption of food is observed directly; there are trained observers, photographs and later coding, as well as blind coding / inter-relater reliability checks
What is the 'secondary measure' in the Food Dudes programme This includes 1) parental and teacher questionnaires 2) online data capture 3) catering orders
Why does the Food Dudes programme work? 1) Children discover that F and V are intrinsically rewarding, and develop a preference 2) it changes the culture of schools to promote healthy eating 3) children see themselves as 'fruit and vegetable eaters'
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