
Public Affairs Flashcards on PR, created by Maria O'Dempsey on 14/05/2013.
Maria O'Dempsey
Flashcards by Maria O'Dempsey, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria O'Dempsey
Created by Maria O'Dempsey almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PR -Elections & electoral registration governed in NI by Constitution Act 1973 & NI Act 1998 -Regulated by Westminster & remain outside powers of NI Assembly -Every 4-5 years 1)Local govt 2)Assembly 3)Westminster 4)EU Parliament -All use system of PR; specifically STV; 1,2,3 system voters candidates to multi-member/multi-party constituencies -STV also used in ROI -Used in UK by Church of England & Trade Unions -Westminster elections in NI use system of 'simple majority'; FPTP on candidate elected to serve constituency by maj share of vote -26 constituencies in local govt elections -18 for W'minster -1 for EU
PR in Practice -Used for local elections & Westminster & EU -Quota total vote at end of polling; (total no. of votes +1) / (no. of seats + 1)
Advantages of STV -Empowers voters -MP Linked to voters -Makes parliament reflect voter views -Simpler to use -No need for tactical voting -Strong gov't founded on a maj
Disadvantages of STV -Does not produce accuracy in PR as party list/additional member -Breaks link between MP & constituency -Constituencies bigger but w 3-5 MPs -MPs forced to deal w constituency problems & not broader issues -May lead to permanent coalition govt -Politicians dislike it: more power w electors, safe seats could be disrupted/lost
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