
Flashcards on Untitled, created by paul loterina on 24/05/2017.
paul loterina
Flashcards by paul loterina, updated more than 1 year ago
paul loterina
Created by paul loterina over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The conscience use of skill, craft, and creative imagination. A.Beauty B.Art C.Delight D.Aesthetic E.Taste B.Art
The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste. A.Beauty B.Art C.Delight D.Aesthetic E.Taste D.Aesthetic
The aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives intense pleassure to the senses or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit. A.Beauty B.Art C.Delight D.Aesthetic E.Taste A.Beauty
Critical judgement, discernment, or appreciation of what is fitting, harmonious, or beautiful. A.Beauty B.Art C.Delight D.Aesthetic E.Taste E.Taste
A high degree of pleassure or enjoyment A.Beauty B.Art C.Delight D.Aesthetic E.Taste C.Delight
The ordering of the physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, landscape architecture, urban design, and city planning. A. Urban Design B. City planning C. Environmental Design D. Interior Design E. Space planning C.Environmental Design
The aspect of architecture and city planing that deals with the design of urban structures and spaces A. Urban Design B. City planning C. Environmental Design D. Interior Design E. Space planning A.Urban Design
The Activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community A. Urban Design B. City planning C. Environmental Design D. Interior Design E. Space planning B.City Planning
The art, business, or profession of planning the design and supervising the execution of architectural interiors including their color schemes, furnishings, fittings, finishes and sometimes architectural features A. Urban Design B. City planning C. Environmental Design D. Interior Design E. Space planning D.Interior Design
The aspect of architecture and interior design that deals with the planning, layout, design, and furnishing of spaces within a proposed or existing building. A. Urban Design B. City planning C. Environmental Design D. Interior Design E. Space planning E.Space Planning
Something of value, use, or convenience. A. Delight B. Commodity C. Firmness D. Interior Design E. Taste B.Commodity
The state or quality of being solidly constructed. A. Delight B. Commodity C. Firmness D. Interior Design E. Taste C.Firmness
A branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts or truths obtained by direct observation, experimental investigation and methodical study, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws. A.Technology B.Technics C.Tectonics D.Science E.Architectonics D.Science
The science of an art or of the arts in general. A.Technology B.Technics C.Tectonics D.Science E.Architectonics B.Technics
Applied science: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical methods and materials, and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment. A.Technology B.Technics C.Tectonics D.Science E.Architectonics A.Technology
The unifying structure or concept of an artistic work. A.Technology B.Technics C.Tectonics D.Science E.Architectonics E.Architectonics
The science of an art or of the arts in general. A.Technology B.Technics C.Tectonics D.Science E.Architectonics C.Tectonics
Any of the sciences, as sociology and anthropology, that seek to discover general truths from the observation of human bahavior in society. A.Anthropology B.Sociology C.Engineering D.Behavioral Science E.Landscape Architecture D.Behavioral Science
The art and science of applying scientific principles to practical ends in the design and construction of structures, equipments, and systems. A.Anthropology B.Sociology C.Engineering D.Behavioral Science E.Landscape Architecture C.Engineering
The science of human being: specif. the study of origins, physical and cultural development, and environmental and social relations of humankind. A.Anthropology B.Sociology C.Engineering D.Behavioral Science E.Landscape Architecture A.Anthropology
The art, business, or profession of designing and arranging, or modifying the features of a landscape for aesthetic or practical reasons. A.Anthropology B.Sociology C.Engineering D.Behavioral Science E.Landscape Architecture E.Landscape Architecture
The science of human social institutions and relationships specif. the study of the origin, development, structure, functioning, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. A.Anthropology B.Sociology C.Engineering D.Behavioral Science E.Landscape Architecture B.Sociology
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